
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Desire Under the Elms is a famous drama by American dramatist Eugene O’Neill. In 1850s, America was prospering in material life while at the same time many people could not embrace a proper attitude towards material wealth, which was reflected in Desire Under the Elms. This paper adopts social and historical criticism to make a detailed analysis on the material desire and conflicts in Desire Under the Elms.
This paper is meaningful as it makes a detailed analysis on Desire Under the Elms. On the one hand, it analyzes the main characters in their social and historical background. The readers can have a new approach to the great work of Desire Under the Elms, and have a deeper understanding of it. On the other hand, the paper compares the social situation of America in 1850s with the present social situation in China, and gets inspirations, for Chinese and people from a lot of other countries are now living in a world in a way mirrors America in 1850s. This paper will lead Chinese readers and the readers from most part of world into thinking about how to balance material life and relationship between people.
This paper begins with the social background and the significance of the research. Then it follows the theory of social and historical criticism. After introducing the theory of social and historical criticism, the paper gets to know the social background of the drama, introduce the background of the author O’Neill and its embodiment in the drama, and give a detailed analysis on the main characters in this drama under this approach. From the perspective of social and historical criticism, this paper hopes to be realistic and significant by enabling Chinese people and people of a lot of other countries to get inspirations and better comprehension of Desire Under the Elms.    

Keywords: Desire Under the Elms, social and historical criticism, material desire


 本文认为通过探讨19世纪50年代的优秀著作能很好地了解那个时代人们的物欲,并且对当时社会历史背景下的戏剧主要人物进行更好的探讨略论。当今时代,英语论文范文, 中国和许多其他国家在一定程度上和那时的美国社会有许多相似之处。本文将会引发读者们思考如何平衡物欲与人际联系的问题。

关键词: 《榆树下的欲望》;社会历史批评措施;物欲
