
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Land complex is the theme of Pearl Buck’s The Good Earth. It refers to the close relationship between people and earth, and people’s supreme love toward earth. In this novel, the charm of the hero lies primarily in his land complex. Pearl Buck describes Chinese farmer in a vivid and meticulous way to reveal the hard rural life of China in such a historical period. Thanks to Pearl S. Buck’s elaborated portrayal of Chinese customs, native cultures and the life of ordinary farmers in the rural regions, more and more foreigners gain an access to this magical land of China.
Through the elaboration of Wang Long’s land complex in The Good Earth. This paper explores the living situation of Chinese peasants nearly a century ago, and analyzes their attachment to land. The first part introduces the writer’s life experiences and her cross-cultural identity; the second part gives a brief introduction of the whole story of The Good Earth and then analyzes its historical background in detail; the third part analyzes the land complex in the novel from different perspectives, including the definition of land complex, changing relationship between the hero and earth, the land complex of Wang Long and other roles in the novel. In fact, Wang Long is a representative of Chinese farmers who have been confined to the land all their lives. Only if we understand his complicated attitude and deep love to the land, could we totally comprehend the value of earth as well as the interdependent human-land relationship.

Key words: Wang Long; Land Complex; Pearl Buck; The Good Earth
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