
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




After American Civil War, the economy of the defeated South declined sharply. In the meantime, its racial tensions escalated and the old power was alternated by a new one. The huge changes the war brought depressed the southerners who had been always proud. But they had to face the impacts of the Northern modern industrial civilization on their old southern cultural tradition. It was the feeling of depression and helplessness that caused southerners’ special psychology. At the right moment, the southern literature was born. William Faulkner is one of the representatives. He reproduces the real situation of the South at that time, expressing his complex affections as a southerner. A Rose for Emily is one of Faulkner’s master works. It narrates a short story happening in a small southern town to reflect the South change after the Civil War, presenting Faulkner himself and the southerners’ love-hate affections to southern tradition. This paper will study and analyze Faulkner’s paradoxical southern complex via Faulkner’s criticism and attachment to the southern cultural tradition in the novel. Through researches, there are some findings in this article. On one hand, Faulkner deeply loves the South. He recalls the glorious past of the South and has a strong attachment to the southern cultural tradition. On the other hand, transcending his own feelings, he bravely explores the problem and dross in the old South he loves and criticizes the evils of the southern old tradition under Calvinism.

Key words: Southern cultural tradition, southern complex, attachment, criticism  
