
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

老人与海》是海明威最广为人知的一部小说,其中所传递的硬汉精神常常成为人们所关注的热点,然而,这部著作中还有其他可以研讨的问题,比如女性主义, 个人主义等。正如海明威的冰山理论所述,文学著作所展示的只是露出来的八分之一,还有八分之七需要人们去探究解读。本文以生态批评为出发点对《老人与海》这部小说做出了略论,研讨了该著作中的生态观。生态批评产生于20世纪70年代,它本着生态整体观的准则,英语论文题目,将文学与生态学结合起来,从生态学的角度探讨文学著作中的人类文化与自然环境的联系,以提升全人类的生态责任意识为目标。生态批评理论的概念在逐渐扩大,由对自然生态的关注扩大到社会生态。随着社会的发展,人类所赖以生存的大自然正在逐渐被破坏,环境问题引发了文学界的关注,人与人之间的联系也大不如前。探讨本书中的生态观点,可以向人们传递一种理性的生态观,增强人们的环保意识以及对人与人之间联系的思考,英语毕业论文,形成一个真正和谐的生态系统。



The Old Man and the Sea is the most well-known novel of Hemingway, and people often focus on the bravery and fortitude of the old man. But there are many other points to talk about, such as feminism, individualism. According to Hemingway’s iceberg theory, what people can see directly in a literary work is only one-eighth, and there remains seven-eighths to be explored. This paper analyzes the book The Old Man and the Sea from an ecocritical view, exploring the ecological idea in the book. Eco-criticism first appeared in 1970s. It abides by ecological holism principle. By combining the literature and ecology, it studies the relationship between human culture and nature, aiming to raise the sense of ecological responsibility of all human beings. The concept of the theory is also expanding and up to now, ecocritics has focused on not only natural ecology but also social ecology. As our society develops, nature is gradually demolished and the environmental problems draw the attention of the literary world. Also, relationship among people is worse than before. Exploring the ecological view in the book helps deliver a rational ecological view to people, raise their awareness to protect nature and create a harmonious ecosystem.

Key words: The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway, eco-criticism, nature
