
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Jane Eyre has enjoyed a high reputation in the history of English literature. Critics have analyzed deeply and made many comments about it, much of which appreciate Jane Eyre’s consciousness of resistance, self-respect and the glory of independent female. However, few people take note of Jane Eyre’s inferiority complex. It is the inferiority complex that gives impetus to Jane’s continuous rebellion to oppression and constant pursuit of freedom and independence. In this paper, we will probe into the development and reason of inferiority complex, the outburst and even the endowment of this complex from Charlotte Bronte to Jane Eyre.

Key words: Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte, inferiority complex

1. Introduction
Charlotte Bronte, a renowned female writer in Victorian Age, is remembered by the world for she portrays an unfortunate girl—Jane Eyre rebelling oppression in life and attaining true love and independence in the end. Hundreds years later, Jane Eyre has many transcriptions in various languages and still has a high popularity all over the world, not only for Jane’s pursuit of independence, equality and true love, but also for her deep inferiority complex propelling her incessant resistance and struggle. He Jie once made some researches on it and wrote an essay to express this inferiority complex in Jane Eyre. He Jie thinks that the inferiority complex of Jane Eyre has exceeds the normal limitation and becomes fixed attributes in her character, and even comes into her main motivation to rebel.  The famous psychologist Alfred Adler defines inferiority complex as an emotion led by a problem which cannot be tackled appropriately by people. So, inferiority complex means lacking self-confidence and underestimation to own ability. Due to Jane’s misfortune in her life, the secular prejudice and Jane’s encounter in different stages of life, this inferiority complex emerges, develops and outbursts.
