
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Sister Carrie in Theodore Dreiser’s novel is the epitome of part of the American people at that time. This thesis intends to discuss various problems in American society at that time through studying Sister Carrie’s tragedy. It introduces the American dream to readers by reviewing its definition, deep root, origin and evolution, and then explores the internal and external causes of Sister Carrie’s tragedy through analyzing the formation, sublimation and disillusion of Sister Carrie’s American dream. It also gives a further criticism to that real, cold, dark, materialist and money-oriented world from the view of Theodore Dreiser and the futility of the American dream. It aims to deepen the reader’s understanding of the American dream.

Key words: the American dream, struggle, Sister Carrie   

1. Introduction
Theodore Dreiser, one of America’s foremost novelists, was an outstanding representative of naturalism and realism in American literature. He was the first writer who criticized the futility of the American Dream in his novel so drastically. “Artists should express what he or she sees truly and unabashedly, this is the ethics and the art.”(Jiang 2017: 5) His creative works represent the highest achievements of American realism. Dreiser was also remembered as the pioneer of American modern novels and was considered as one of the three great writers in American apart from Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner. It was Dreiser who broke through the “gentle tradition” and gives stinging criticism to what Howells described as the “smiling aspects” of life typifying America.
Dreiser’s genius was recognized and applauded by H.L. Mencken, but the general reaction to Dreiser has always been negative. Sister Carrie came out in 1990, followed by Jennie Gerhardt and two volumes of his “Trilogy of Desire”, The Financer (1912) and The Titan (1914), the third, The Stoic, being published posthumously. His other works include The Genius (1915), an autobiographical work, An American Tragedy (1925), and The Bulwark (1946). And An American Tragedy is considered to be his greatest work.
