
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


O. Henry is one of the most important American writers in the 20th century, and his works enjoy worldwide reputation. As a realistic writer, he reflects the harsh reality of American society not through describing the national conditions but the life of the socially low. Focusing on the socially low, this thesis will analyze a few of his famous short stories from three aspects: his theme, his writing style, the effects of his stories, in order to find the interaction between the socially low and O. Henry, and the reason why O. Henry pays so much attention to the socially low in his short stories, and in turn what contribution they made to the achievement O. Henry have reached in literature.

Key words: the socially low, O.Henry, theme, writing style, effects of his stories

摘 要



1.    Introduction
It is undeniable that O. Henry is one of the most important writers in the 20th century. He was acknowledged as the founder of the modern American short story. Until 1910 he died, O. Henry, with exuberant energy, created nearly three hundred short stories, which was recorded respectively in Four Million (1906), the Voice of the City (1908), Rolling Stone (1913) and so on in more than 10 books. His works were widely spread around the world, such as The Last Leaf, The Gift of the Magi, The Cop and the Anthem, and so on.
O. Henry was good at describing the life of the people in American society, especially in New York. He rendered atmosphere of the streets, small restaurant, shabby apartment there to be very lifelike, so he was called “Manhattan's poet laureate” (Paul 50). These kind of short stories were recorded in Four Million (1906). At that time, some people thought that what forms the basis of the New York society is four hundred people in prominent position, but O. Henry thought that who should get the attention of people is not capitalists who became rich because of crazy exploitation but “four million” ordinary people in New York.
