
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


In the first place, Henry James regarded himself as the observer of life. However, he changed his mind in his later writing career. He devoted himself to depicting the artist of life. It seems that the observer of life can collect many life experiences, but to be an artist is not that easy a thing.
How does an artist become an artist? What can we use when we run out of our life experiences? When the artists come to some certain period in his art career, or when they run out of all their life experiences, they may find out that a novel which is simply cluttered up by a large number of life experiences could be very dull. At this moment, we shall rely on imagination. It is exactly imagination that makes art works achieve their width and depth.
This paper will use Henry James’s fictions as example and follow the form of David Lodge’s The Art of Fiction to illustrate several forms and levels of imagination’s intervention in novels. It will not only discuss the subtle delicate effects caused by imagination but also discuss what creators of art works can use when they run out of their life experiences. Furthermore, it will try to reveal the future development trend of the art works.
This paper will analyze the three levels of imagination’s intervention in fictions in detail. The first level is metaphors as a superb lyrical flight of fancy. The second level is symbolism system built up by imagination. The third level is imagination stepping into narration directly.

Key words: imagination; Henry James; Fiction


