
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Gothic novel emerged as a new genre of literature in the late 18th century that fascinated readers at that time with its mysterious and horrific atmosphere, wide and fertile imagination, suppressed original passion, romantic oriental sentiment and attractive exotic scenery. Wuthering Heights is just such a novel which is regarded as a "strange sort of book—baffling all regular criticism" in the history of English literature after published. The entire novel is permeated with the strong fighting spirit, as well as an air of eccentricity. It not only perfectly combines elements of both romanticism and realism, but also, to a certain extent, reflects the social background of the time in England. Besides, the love tragedy of the protagonists in the story also brings up many feelings.
This thesis aims to analyze the application of gothic elements in the novel and show the inheritance of gothic tradition adopted by the writer. Through the description of the love and hatred, the horrific natural environment and the characters' personality, the writer painted a distinctive picture of English female gothic novel during the period from the late 18th century to middle 19th century.

Key Words: Wuthering Heights; Gothic; Love Tragedy; Revenge




Ⅰ. Introduction
In the long gallery of the British literature in the nineteenth century, Wuthering Heights is no doubt a heart-striking work, which makes Emily Bronte stand out in list of the famous British writers. For more than a century, with enduring value, this so-called “strange book” has been studied by republic of letters from the East and the West in various aspects and methods.
Unfortunately, the novel received fierce criticism from the publicity as soon as it was published, and even her sister Charlotte Bronte considered it a rough and immature work. It was not accepted and applauded by people until twentieth century. Regarding the reasons, this is mainly because its intricate structure and special narrative ran against the literature trend at the time. What’s more, the criticism also lies in her characterization of the lunatic hero, Heathcliff. His brutality, callousness, and sinfulness, all of these make him unbearable.
