
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘   要




"Romeo and Juliet" and "Butterfly Lovers" are well-known love stories all over the world. "Romeo and Juliet"written by Shakespeare,which was adapted the novel of Azerbaijan Brock,a British writer. And finally become immortal masterpieces of Western drama.
Butterfly Lovers is the story that has been passed down from the Eastern Jin Dynasty date, the most famous one is Shaoxing opera "The Butterfly Lovers". The story circulating among the people for hundreds of years,in the process of constantly evolving,it became one of the most classical love story.
I tried to point out the original evolution of the story, characters, text type on the East-West comparison of these two classic love story, and comparison analysis of differences between Western notions of love.
Comparing the plot of the story through two conflicts, development, and the outcome of the two stories,I made specific analysis and comparison. analysis of the images in comparison.I choose the girls who can better represent the leitmotiv of the stories. The last part is the comparative analysis of the two texts. In the last part,I described the differences between two stories after studying their types.
Through the analysis of the two classic love story,  I found a lot of similarities and differences between the text and the comparable points, also getting a further understanding of the two great classic love story.And I also got a deeper understanding of East and West.

Key words:Love Tragedy,Comparison, Juliet ,"Butterfly Lovers"
