
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘    要




Edith Wharton was one of the most influential female writers in America who wrote many works of different genres. Most of her works are set in the old New York. As a woman writer, Edith Wharton is aware of the status and role of women at that time. The Pulitzer-Winning The Age of Innocence is a novel which concentrates on women’s fates in the strictly restriction of the old New York society.
In the late 19th century, the United States was in an economic boom as a result of the Industrial Revolution. However, it was still a conservative society in politics and culture. Woman in the society was in the position of “the second sex”. Traditional roles of woman had been harmful to woman’s physical and psychological development. Meanwhile, traditional marriage morality hindered woman’s pursuit of freedom. Social etiquettes which were signs of politeness and gentleness acted as ways of further imprisonment of woman in the house. Consequently, women with pioneering ideas began to fight against those restrictions imposed on them by the male-dominated society. Therefore, “New woman” emerged in the period.
This thesis attempts to make an exploration into the feminine consciousness in The Age of Innocence: feminine consciousness is exposed through the awareness of woman’s own tragic fates and status in the male chauvinist society; Being a representative of the males of his generation, Newland’s experiences and emotional debility show his blurry feminine consciousness; and Ellen as a “New Woman”, her challenges to the conventions of Old New York prove the existence of feminine consciousness. 

Key words: Edith Wharton, The Age of Innocence, New Woman, feminine consciousness
