
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Leaves of Grass is Whitman’s representative work and the important milestone in the history of American poetry. Song of Myself, the longest piece in Leaves of Grass, is regarded as the center of the volume because it nearly covers all Whitman’s major ideas or thoughts in his lifetime. In the poem, the poet boldly celebrates the advanced ideas, such as democracy, equaltiy, freedom and so on, sings the praise of the masses of the working people and nature and all the existence in the universe, and emphasizes the development of people’s individuality. Surprisingly, the thoughts expressed in the poem shares great similarity with the nature and spirit of the American dream.
This thesis, including three parts, explores the core thoughts through analyzing the verse of Song of Myself, and then try to find out the consistency between the major ideas contained in the poem and those of the American dream. The first part is about the origin and development of American dream; the second part will focus on analyzing the core thoughts, such as democracy, equality, freedom, of the poem of Song of Myself; the third part aims to find out the consistency of Whitman’s thoughts expressed in the work and the American dream in order to reveal the great influences of the American dream in contemporary American society on Whitman.

Key words: Walt Whitman, the American dream, democracy, equaltiy, freedom, individuality

1 Introduction
1.1 Walt Whitman and his works
Walt Whitman is an American poet. Considered to be the greatest of all American poets, Walt Whitman celebrated the freedom and dignity of the individual. And he was famous for his poetry, Leave of Grass, which is unconventional in both content and technique. And the poetry was probably the most influential volume of poems in the history of American literature. However, Whitman’s poem was not recognized or acknowledged by the people from domestic America or all over the world at that time. Even some scholars strongly criticized or condemned his thoughts conveyed in his poems. Faced with the tough situation and reality, Walt Whitman never thought of giving up composing his poems. Instead of being frustrated or annoyed, he tried his best to compose more excellent poems and finally he won reputation among the people from all over the world. Among his works, Song of Myself was the longest and the most important one, and it covered nearly Whitman’s all excellent thoughts. In his works, Whitman boldly celebrated the democracy, equality, freedom and so on.
