
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Ernest Hemingway universally acknowledged as a representative writer of the Lost Generation, has been exercising great influence upon American literature and achieved great fame in the world as well. The most impressive thing about him lies in his distinctive narrative style. Characterized by conciseness and deceiving simplicity, his writings are also very cinematic in scope. Besides, Hemingway can skillfully employ interpersonal conversations to convey themes, and the most admirable feature of his writing style should be his ingenious employment of omission. In the work Hills like White Elephants Hemingway achieves the consummation of this technique. Aided by his full understanding of the subconscious, he successfully reveals the conflicts and personalities of the two characters despite his simple and concise language.
This thesis takes the subconscious theory and its function in literary creation as theoretical foundation. The research methods it adopts are document research and content analysis. Firstly, the thesis gives a brief introduction of the story Hills like White Elephants and the function of subconscious in analyzing the story; then it explains some basic elements of the subconscious and some typical examples of the subconscious in literature. After that, the thesis presents a detailed account of the subconscious expressed in the story, involving the choice of images and the employment of function words. Finally, a conclusion is drawn about the work.

Key words: Ernest Hemingway, the subconscious, literary creation and analysis
