
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

人与自然环境的联系一直是各个领域探讨的焦点。人是自然界的产物,英语论文范文,人的成长离不开环境的影响,包括着自然环境和社会生活环境,其思维性格的形成也往往会受到环境的作用。作为一名作家,这种现实的作用,必然会在其著作中有所反映。艾米莉•勃朗特是十九世纪英国文坛的一颗明星,《呼啸山庄》的出版虽然一开始遭人冷落与贬斥,但时代的变迁,这部艾米莉生前唯一的一部小说愈来愈受各界关注,尤其是她对自然环境的描述让人不由得想去探讨她的生活环境。本课题就艾米莉•勃朗特及其著作《呼啸山庄》,从环境描写这一角度出发,详尽地略论阐述现实环境与艾米莉的性格,环境作用下的艾米莉与小说中的环境、人物塑造等之间的联系,从而揭示出人与人、人与环境之间存在着某种必然的关系,教导我们在现实生活中, 要融入自然,英语论文范文,与自然和谐相处,这对建设和谐社会具有重大意义。


The relationship between human and environment is always the focus of researches in every field. Human is the product of nature, and people will not survive without the environment. In a broad sense, environment includes natural and social environment. They both play important roles in the formation of one’s thoughts and characteristics. This kind of influence will usually, to a writer, be reflected in his or her works. Emily Brontë was a famous novelist and poet of the 19th century in the English Literature. What made her so successful was that she was very good at describing environments, shaping characters and arranging the plots. When writing the novel "Wuthering Heights", she mingled environment with the development of events by virtue of rich knowledge on natural and social environment, real experiences and superior imagination. Although at the beginning, "Wuthering Heights" was criticized for a time as long as a century, it was gradually paid more attention with the time going on and with the concepts of people changing. This thesis will take Emily Brontë and her novel "Wuthering Heights" as the topic of study, and the environmental descriptions as the main line to explore and analyse the characteristics of Emily in details, the reflection of the relationship between human and environment in the novel. Focused on the interpersonal relationship and the relationship between human and environment, the thesis is aimed to teach us to integrate with nature and to keep a harmonious relationship between human and nature, which has a profound significance for constructing a harmonious society.

Keywords: Wuthering Heights, human and environment, character-shaping, harmony
