摘 要
As the masterpiece of Hawthorne’s romantic novels, The Scarlet Letter has always attracted the interests of scholars at home and abroad. Although the plot is simple, the vivid figures and distinctive characters make the novel wonderful and brilliant. Among the four major characters, Chillingworth seems to be the only negative one. As a kind scholar who has a massive range of knowledge, Chillingworth is once true, calm, and diligent, owning a colorful spiritual world. But in the novel he develops completely into another man. His character changes greatly while he carries out his vengeance plan on his enemy Dimmesdale, finally he becomes the “Black Man”, or the devil. Theoretically, it is inconceivable for a well-educated person to change so much. Then, why does it happen? Now, critics in various fields are studying the reason for Chillingworth’s changing characters. They have made literary critiques from different perspectives such as structuralism, psychology, and post-structural psychoanalysis. This thesis aims to analyze his figure and characters, thus to make the study of Chillingworth’s changing characters from the social and religious condition in the 17th century. Finally, it would try to find the true origin of Chillingworth’s changing characters, in the hope of exposing the true evil.
Keywords: Chillingworth; changing character; social condition; religion
Chapter 1 Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter
1.1 Introduction
Nathaniel Hawthorne finished his masterpiece The Scarlet Letter when he was 36 years old. Before that he mainly wrote short tales and from 1846-49 he did not even wrote any novels. The Scarlet Letter, a powerful study of guilt and its effect on the conscience, is his first novel that wholly reflected facets of the social and religious environment in New England at that time. It is successful in many ways. Hawthorne, in fact, was heartened by the reception of it and entered upon a period of increased productivity.
As a romantic novelist and realist, Hawthorne uses symbolism and allegory to explore abuses of that society and religion, as well as the characters’ internal heart. He makes efforts to deeply explore the connections between people’s characters and his living environment and the religion, thus The Scarlet shows varieties of themes and complexity.