
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要



The purpose of this paper is to make a study of Heathcliff, the hero of Wuthering Heights, especially the influence of his personalities on his fate. Firstly, I will give a brief introduction to the novel Wuthering Heights and its author Emily Bronte. It will give the readers some general ideas of the main characters and the plot. Secondly, I will analyze, from four aspects, how Heathcliff’s personalities influence his fate: being the oppressed by evil powers, the victim of love, the crazy avenger and the returnee of humanity. Being the oppressed by evil powers is mainly due to his endurance and thankfulness; being the victim of love is mainly attributed to his cowardice and helplessness; being the crazy avenger is mainly ascribed to his cruelty and persistence; being the returnee of humanity is mainly imputed to his understanding and kindness.

Keywords: love; hatred; revenge; character; fate

Chapter 1 Introduction
I decide to write this paper because of my own interest in Wuthering Heights, especially the hero, Heathcliff. His different characteristics decide his changeful fate. But why does this foundling become an oppressed child during his childhood? Why does this little boy leave Wuthering Heights after being hurt by love? Why does this young man come back later and take vengeance on people around him? Why does this old man forgive the later generations and give up his hatred? All these questions are just what I decide to research in this paper. Heathcliff is a typical representative, whose fate is directly influenced by his characters. So I intend to research the causal relationship between his character and fate in four main aspects: the oppressed of evil powers, the victim of love, the crazy avenger and the returnee of humanity.
 In 2.2, a tolerant foundling, I will mostly illustrate how Heathcliff’s endurance and thankfulness make him the oppressed. In 2.3, a love loser, I will mainly talk about how Heathcliff’s cowardice and helplessness make him the victim. In chapter 3, I will explain how Heathcliff’s cruelty and persistence make him a crazy avenger, which includes three sections: taking reprisals against Hindley Earnshaw, taking reprisals against Edgar Linton and taking reprisals against the later generations. In chapter 4, I will elaborate how Heathcliff’s kindness and understanding help him to be the returnee of humanity. The following are the details of how character deciding fate. However, before the explanation, I should give a brief introduction to the life of Emily Brontë and the novel Wuthering Heights.
