
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: This paper aims to give a relatively fair and just evaluation and recognition to Becky Sharp in Thackeray’s masterpiece Vanity Fair, and further reveal the brutality, cold-bloodedness and oppression of English society, especially its upper-middle class, of the nineteenth century. This paper analyzes the positive characteristics of Becky Sharp ----- her bravery and resistance, activeness and smartness, indomitable courage and self-possession, and then probes into the main causes of her characteristics. This paper holds that despite some bad images, Becky Sharp is still a positive figure in Vanity Fair; indeed, she is a survivor and a success of the male-dominated society which focuses on money and social status.

Key words: Becky Sharp; Vanity Fair; positive figure



1. Introduction
Vanity Fair,英语毕业论文,William Makespeace Thackeray’s masterpiece, was published in 1847-1848, and of all the English fictions, this novel is the most prominent in the world literature. As a matter of fact, the topic that Becky Sharp in this novel should be regarded as a positive or negative image has been heatedly discussed in recent years. Different people hold different opinions.
 Some people believe she is a negative image. She is a typical social climber, snob, egoist and parasite and in order to step into upper class, she does almost nothing good. Becky Sharp is so hypocritical, unscrupulous, selfish and sly that she becomes one of the typical representatives of snobs of English society at that time.
    Others’ opinions are quite the opposite. They think that Becky Sharp has vitality and is fascinating to the reader and one goes through Vanity Fair by following her progress. She is an unmistakable individual, and she has a typically symbolic quality. She is a woman of spirit rebelling against the humiliations forced on her by certain social conventions. Rebecca has never grumbled about her unfair fate and has never passively accepted the misfortune that happened to her. From beginning to end, she unremittingly struggles hard with her fate.
