
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: As we all know, Jane Eyre is a semi-autobiographic novel of the English writer, Charlotte Bronte. The story of Jane Eyre is narrated in the first-person point of view. The relation between Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre finds expression in every detail in this novel. Their experiences and mentality are inevitably similar. Mary Sue is a suitable word to describe the relation between Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre. This thesis tends to reveal the exterior and interior connections between Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre by analyzing the similarities of the two women (that is, their similarities in their life experiences, their view of love and marriage, inferiority complex because of appearance), and then draws a conclusion that Jane Eyre is a successful Mary sue-character.

Key words: Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre, Mary Sue



1.    Introduction
1.1    Introduction to Jane Eyre
Charlotte Bronte is one of the distinguished English novelists of the 19th century, whose great contribution to the world lies in her outstanding work Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is famous especially for the heroine’s female consciousness and her rebellious character. Jane Eyre fights all her life to pursue independence, liberty, equality, and human value. She is brave, enthusiastic enough to change her tragic fate through her own strong unyielding rebellious character from the beginning to the end in the novel, which just embodies her female consciousness.
Jane Eyre is a representative of petty bourgeoisie intellectuals with strong individual rebellious spirit. The character of Jane Eyre did not appear accidentally. Most British female writers (mostly novelists) in 19th century came from bourgeois families which could provide their children with proper environment, qualification and social communication for literature creation. The basic reason of British female novelists’ engagement in literature creation is that they thought that was a method of expressing themselves as well as a way of revealing their talent. In works, they could wreak all their melancholy, pain and acerbity entirely, state all their understanding of life to their hearts’ content, and exert all their sagacity, intellect and poetry incisively and vividly.
