
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


As one of the most influential writers of British literature, Jonathan Swift made valuable contributions to the satirical literature with his unique writing style. “A Modest Proposal” was just an evidence of his mastery of his satirical writing.
This paper intends to discuss how Jonathan Swift managed to us satire as a weapon against the corrupt government. This paper begins with an introduction to some basic ideas so as to clarify some literary concepts such as satire and irony. By discussing the use of, such as irony and understatement, the paper attempts to reveal the satirical effects in this essay, hence helping readers better appreciats Swift’s literary mastery.

Key Word:satirical literature    satire  figure of speech  satirical effects



关键词:讽刺文学     讽刺  修辞格  讽刺效果

1 Introduction to some basic ideas
  1.1 Basic of Research
A general survey of the world literature, it shows that many literary works are filled with humor and wit. Some works are made mainly for entertainment and enjoyment, and some works are made for some specific aims, such as Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal. As a satirical political essay, Jonathan Swift never directly used any offensive word in this essay, and he just cleverly adopted some special writing skills to discover the social phenomenon in the eighteenth century and expressed his dissatisfication with corruption of the England ruling class. To satirical works, “satire”is always the powful weapon to light the theme of works and bring shocking effect on all the society and even the world. For example, Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal is just famous for its strong satirical implication, and it is also the representive among satirical works. Not only in eighteenth ceentury but also today, it still is valuable to satirical literature. As mentioned above, “satire” is the powerful weapon to encourage people struggle against the inequality and eliminate corruption in society, and also is a form of entertainment to enjoy others. But in this paper, it should be considered a means of literary expression.
