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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an excellent representative of naturalist literature in the end of the 19th century in American literary history. His writing style is deeply influenced by Darwin’s evolutionary theory. Dreiser’s first novel Sister Carrie reflects the evolutional theory of naturalism. This paper analyzes the background and the main plot of the novel, and summarizes the origin of naturalism and social Darwinism and their influence on Dreiser’s writing. Herbert Spencer first applied Darwinism to the development of human society. He put forward an idea that the relationship between people from different groups was the survival of the fittest. This point of view had a great effect on Dreiser’s writing. He regarded the whole world as a jungle, in which only the “fittest” survived. This paper studies the different embodiments of the law of the jungle in the protagonists under the capitalist environment in the 19th century. In order to achieve success, Carrier becomes Hurstwood’s mistress. However, because of Hurstwood’s bankruptcy and idleness, Carrie leaves Hurstwood. She finally becomes a Broadway star via her perfect performance. On the contrary, Hurstwood can not accept his failure and fall. He takes his own life because of his “dignity”. Through the analysis of their different social experiences and ups and downs, it could be concluded that in a capitalist society in which the survival of the fittest is the only law, the traditional morality, ideals and customs have all been abandoned, instead of it is the pursuit of money. 

Key Words: Theodore Dreiser  Naturalism  Social Darwinism  the Law of Jungle

摘 要

在美国文学史上,西奥多•德莱塞被誉为19世纪末自然主义文学的杰出代表。他的写作风格深受达尔文进化论的作用。其第一部长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》生动的体现了自然主义的进化理论。本文略论了小说的故事背景和主要情节,英语论文,总结了自然主义及社会达尔文主义的产生以及其对德莱塞著作作用。赫伯特•斯宾塞首次运用达尔文主义理论于人类社会的发展之中。他提出,不同的群体之间的联系是适者生存。这种观点对德莱塞的写作产生了很大的作用。他把整个世界看成一个丛林,于此,只有“适者”才能幸存下来。其次探讨了在19世纪资本主义的大环境下,丛林法则在男女主人公身上不同的体现。为了取得成功, 嘉莉成了赫斯特伍德的情妇。然而,由于赫斯特伍德之后的破产和懒惰,嘉莉离开了他。嘉莉完美的表演才能使她最终成为了百老汇明星。在这个国家, 赫斯特伍德不能接受自己的失败和衰落。因为他所谓的尊严,赫斯特伍德结束了自己的生命。通过略论他们不同的社会生活经历及沉浮,可以得出在弱肉强食,适者生存的资本主义社会,传统的道德,英语论文,理想与习俗都被抛弃,取而代之的是对金钱的追逐。 

关键词:西奥多•德莱塞 自然主义 社会达尔文主义 丛林法则

