
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


    Jane Austen’s Emma and William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair both concern a woman’s marriage. Emma starts with the story that Emma enjoys matchmaking for others while declares herself as a never-married woman. Nevertheless, Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair is a perfect embodiment of money-worship. Her only aspiration in life is to marry a rich man and gain wealth and position. These two works both reveal the significance of money in marriage.
    This thesis is designed to analyze the differences of marriage values between Emma and Becky from the perspective of two heroines’ external and internal needs for their spouses. As for the external needs, Emma believes that money, rank, appearance and social connections are significant in marriage while Becky attaches importance to money only. In terms of the internal needs, Emma considers knowledge, manner and the combination of two souls as important in marriage while Becky has no internal needs for marriage. Their differences in marriage values are mainly due to two causes: the family background and their characters. As for the family background, Emma is born in a rich family, therefore, she is respectable and not in a hurry for marriage. However, Becky is born into a poor family so she needs money and a comfortable home to survive in the society. In terms of the character, Emma is honest and lovely while Becky is sharp and sophisticated.

Key Words: money  marriage values  external needs  internal needs  causes

摘  要


关键词:金钱 婚姻观 外在要求 内在要求 原因到灯塔去》中的女性主义略论
