
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要


关键词:荒诞剧; 人生态度; 悲观厌世; 苦难; 希望


The paper will not only analyzes the theme and the value of the absurd opera---Waiting for Godot, but also tries to figure out the personalities and symbolisms of the major characters. Samuel Barclay Beckett was an Irish avant-garde novelist, playwright, theatre director, and poet, who lived in Paris for most of his adulthood and wrote in both English and French. His work offers a bleak, tragicomic outlook on human nature, often coupled with black comedy and gallows humor. He was severely affected by the World War II. He thought that there was no longing and hope in his life. And people’s life at that time, he considered, is just an aimless travel. The world is black and white. And life is not only difficult, but empty as well. The endless circulatory plots of the opera fully express Beckett’s pessimistic and world-weary attitude to life. To some extent, the opera represents western’s attitudes to life and the deep feeling of disillusion. What this paper tries to tell the readers is that living is hard but dying is not easy as well. There will always be hope, but despair, too. Waiting is a state, and a kind of attitude. What Estragon and Vladimir are waiting for can be hope, or happiness, whereas, it could be death or misery.

Key words: absurd opera; life attitude; pessimistic; misery; hope

1 Introduction
This paper will illustrate the symbolisms in Waiting for Godot and briefly analyze the meaning of waiting for those people who lived then and those who are living now. As the opera was written during the war time, the creator, Samuel Beckett lived within despair and the same were the westerns. People lived without happiness, and destructive news came to them every day. Life became aimless and hopeless. And there was even no courage to finish the life. People were numb with the war and the twist society. What’s more, they even didn’t have any power to fight against the mournful fate. This paper will not only describe the background and the characters in the opera, but also the theme and influence that are embodied in.
