
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要

呼啸山庄》是艾米丽•勃朗特一生唯一的一部小说。这部巨作倾注了她所有的心血,历来书中的复仇主题最是吸引读者,发人深省。 但吸引广大读者的不仅仅是复仇这一主题,艾米丽的渴望平等的心声才是最吸引人的。她把她对统治阶级的强烈的憎恨和对被压迫者的无比同情表达在她的书里。希斯克利夫这个角色是用来宣泄她的愤怒。她把这一人物塑造成一个野蛮且暴力但却对感情很专一的人。他能勇敢的反抗统治者,也自信的和凯瑟琳交换着爱情。他的很多英雄事迹都是艾米丽自己所不敢为的。因此,英语论文网站,她继而又创造了凯瑟琳这一角色,英语论文范文,任性但又没有权利。在被希斯克利夫背叛了之后,她只能自虐以期博得别人的同情。凯瑟琳所反映的是艾米丽脆弱的一面。总的来说,艾米丽•勃朗特的这部小说, 其实也是在抒发自己的感伤, 她把对社会不公平的愤慨写进文字里,让后人都有目共睹。这种种复仇的背后,艾米丽真正想表达的是一种呐喊,召唤被压迫者奋起反抗压迫者的呐喊。

关键词:呼啸山庄;希斯克利夫;复仇; 凯瑟琳

Wuthering Heights was the only novel of Emily Bronte. She has poured all her efforts into this masterpiece, and throughout the years, the thought-provoking “revenge” theme of this novel attracted readers most. However it was not just the revenge theme that catches readers’ eyes most, but Emily’s calling for equal. Her strong hatred towards the ruling class, and deep sympathy towards the oppressed were the most attracting place. Heathcliff was created to express her anger, she made him an fierce, violent, but a loyal man. He was bravely enough to fight againest the oppressors, and he was also confidence enough to exchange love with Catherine. His brave deeds was something Emily haven’t had tried before and she never have the right to do so. Then she created Catherine, an wayward lady, but with no power, in face with betrayal, all she could do was just torturing herself. She was the weak side of Emily. All in all, this novel can be seen as an expression of Emily Bronte’s conviction towards the temporal unequal society. Bechind all these revenge things the real thinking Emily want to convey was that the oppressed should stand up to fight against the oppressors. Her heartfelt condemnation towards the dark society was throughly understood by readers today all over the world, and her braveheart was the most striking point.

Key words: Wuthering Heights; Heathcliff; revenge; Catherine

1 Introduction
Emily Jane Bronte (1818-1848) was the sister of Charlotte Bronte and Anne Bronte; these three girls are all very creative and all of them were great English writers. During their childhood, Bronte sisters all had a brief and unhappy experience of education at the Cowan Bridge Clergy Daughters’ School, but Emily was the most rooted in Haworth and the Yorkshire moors of all the Brontes, she knows the surrounding well. All these nature beauty contributes a lot to her novel’s setting. When Wuthering Heights was first released to public in 1847, it does not as successful as her sister-Charlotte’s Jane Eyre; people of that generation could not accept Heathcliff, the fierce, wild, cruel and emotional creature which ruined many character’s life, and was deeply disobeyed the conventional culture.
