
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




Many people have already done some research on the conflicts between the black and the white, males and females, based on this I want to analyze the life experience of the four black females in the novel The Color Purple written by Alice Walker. The movie version of The Color Purple on television is so impressive, and it contains strong feelings of the African Americans. People are moved by it. It is a book which describes the story about the black females’ life in the 1930s in the United States. The author’s desire is to analyze the hard time and growth of the black females at that period. In those times, even nowadays, many black females are not only oppressed by men, but also by the white. They are fighting for fairness and independence all the time, no matter how hard and how long the progress will be. The author is a black female, so she shares the similar feelings of the black people. She just wants to speak out with the message that they also have rights in the world. She is the first author who uses womanist instead of feminist. This was a new word in the literature world. I just want to tell people how they can fight for their rights and independence step by step and how the black women liberated during their life. Based on the research that people did before, it is meaningful to analyze the growth of the black female in that period.

Key words: black people; female; fighting

1 Introduction
   Once I watched the movie version of The Color Purple, and then I was moved and impressed by it immediately. Every character in this novel was unforgettable, and the theme of The Color Purple was worthwhile to be discussed. I found that many people had do some research on this novel and gave their view of its theme and analysis about some plots. There are more details in this novel. It is a book which describes the story focuses on the life of black females in the 1930s in the United States.
