
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




The leader of anti-realism in 19 century, Dickens has his successful novels, and Oliver Twist is one of them in reflecting the real and terrible life of London underworld. Dickens uses various methods to describe different characters, which focuses on the quality of purity and goodness and reflects the corruption and evil in that society, meanwhile praises the people who fight against the reality. Only purity can defeat everything evil and get peace in mind. Oliver, Nancy, Fagin, all of them have double characters, however, the truth the author wants to tell is that it cannot be changed that purity will defeat evil in the end. Under the help and trap of others, Oliver always kept pure. Thrown in a world full of poverty and crime, Oliver remained pure in body and mind with the help of Maylie and Rose, and lived a happy life in the end through the nature of goodness and purity. We are supposed to keep pure in heart and good in character, so that we can lead a more beautiful life in modern society.

Key words: corruption; purity; character

1  Background Information
1.1 The background of the society
    At the beginning of 19 century, England was undergoing a revolution from agriculture to an industry country. The economy had developed rapidly, with the rich becoming richer and the poor suffering a lot became poorer. The condition of poverty was the most important weakness in that society, and some poor people even chose to die rather than being in such a suffer. Life promoted but the transformation seemed harmful. Dickens wrote many works according the experience with the society; the transformation and development provided rich material for Dickens’ writing. And the writers at that time had sympathy for the miseries and a strong feeling for the poor. They did not approve of violence to fight the social evil, which actually is the truth. Only peace can make life normal and beautiful, instead of violence and war.

