
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要



William Thackeray is one of the representatives of the English critical realistic writers. And Vanity Fair has been generally regarded as his masterpiece. Thackeray made vivid character descriptions which illustrated the theme of the novel——the English society was the very place full of vanity fair. This thesis studies Vanity Fair from a feminist critical perspective. Based on Beauvoir’s feminist critical theory, the author is to analyze Becky’s challenge to patriarchy ands illustrates her features and then the difficulties and frustrations she meets. This paper includes five parts. Firstly the thesis gives a general introduction including Thackeray’s life and his masterpiece Vanity Fair, a brief review of Beauvoir’s feminist theory. Secondly, it is the literature review balancing with foreign and domestic studies on Vanity Fair. The third chapter analyzes how Becky subverts women’s traditional image, not a weak woman any longer, and discusses how Becky challenges the patriarchy. Then it shows the difficulties and frustrations that Becky meets in the process of self-fulfillment and against patriarchy. Last chapter is the conclusion part in which the author makes a summary of the whole thesis and makes focus on the idea that Becky Sharp has many good qualities that are admirable and people should view her in a positive way.

Key words: Thackeray; Vanity Fair; Becky Sharp; Feminism; Patriarchy

1 Introduction
1.1 William Thackeray’s Introduction and Vanity Fair
William Makepeace Thackeray (18 July 1811-24 December 1863) was born in Calcutta in 1811. His father, Richmond Thackeray, had been an Indian civil servant. In his early education, an independent spirit was infused to small Thackeray. Thackeray went his own way, leaving college without taking a degree.
His wife Isabella is an Irish girl. She enchanted him with her singing, and was the model for Amelia in Vanity Fair. They had three children, one dying in his childhood. After the birth of the third child, Mrs. Thackeray had some psychological disease and she had to be placed with a family who took care of her. The little girls were sent to Thackeray's mother in Paris.
