
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





Jane Eyre is a masterpiece of 19th century in Britain, created Charlotte Bronte. This thesis will attempt to explore the growth theme of Jane Eyre, the constitutes of this work and the opportunities of being growing-up of the heroine. The individual growth is the topic of Jane Eyre. In order to become mature in thought and mind, Jane Eyre pursues the love for family and independent life.

Key words: Jane Eyre; growing-up; growing-up novel; female

Chapter One Introduction
1.1The Author and Story Framework
Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855) is the English writer who noted for her novel Jane Eyre (1847), and she was the sister of Anne Bronte and Emily Bronte. The three sisters were as famous for their short, hard and tragic lives as for their great novels. Charlotte was born in Thornton, Yorkshire, in the north of England; she was the daughter of an Anglican clergyman who moved with his family to Haworth amid the Yorkshire moors in 1820. Charlotte went to the Clergy Daughter's School at Cowan Bridge in 1824. She came backed home next year because of the harsh conditions. In 1831 she attended to school at Roe Head; at there she later worked as a teacher. However, she became ill, suffered from melancholia, and had to give up the post. Charlotte wanted to earn her living as a governess were hindered by her disabling shyness, her ignorance of normal children, and her yearning to be with her sisters. The collection of poems, Poems by Currier, Ellis and Acton Bell (1846), which Charlotte wrote with her sisters, sold only two copies. By this time she had finished a novel; The Professor. But she had never found a publisher during her lifetime. Undeterred by this rejection, Charlotte began her masterpiece--Jane Eyre, which appeared in 1847 and became an immediate success. Charlotte dedicated the book to William Makepeace Thackeray. The heroine is a penniless orphan who becomes a teacher, obtains a post as a governess, inherits money from an uncle, and marries the Byronic hero at the end of the novel. In 1854 Charlotte Bronte married her father's curate, Arthur Bell Nicholls. Then she died during her pregnancy on March 31, 1855 in Haworth, Yorkshire.
