
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

[Abstract] Reading is one of the four important skills in English as a second or foreign language. It is also a skill that the students need to possess to support independent and self-directed learning. With the Information Age’s arrival, the English materials gradually change from paper materials to electronic ones. So, it becomes more and more important for English majors to speed up their reading in order to acquire as much information as possible. Thus, fostering a good English reading habit is essential for students. And being able to adopt different reading skills for different reading materials and purposes will also help the students read more effectively. The paper mainly concerns some English reading skills and discusses how to foster good English reading habits for college students. 【摘 要】阅读是学习第二外语的必须掌握的四项基本技能之一,也是大学生用于自学须掌握的学习策略和技巧。随着信息时代的到来,英语论文范文,英语阅读材料渐渐由传统的纸质材料向电子读物转变,提高英语系学生的阅读速度尽可能多的获取信息变的越来越重要。因此学生有必要养成良好的英语阅读习惯。学生能对不同的英语阅读材料和不同的阅读目的采用不同的阅读措施,也将有助于他们更加有效的阅读。本文主要叙述一些与大学生相关的英语阅读技巧,英语毕业论文,并且讨论了如何养成良好的英语阅读习惯。 1. Introduction As reading is a part of academic literacy, English teachers usually have high expectations of a student's ability to cope with the demands of reading in English. Most college students wish to read more books. Reading is a way for college students to be more knowledgeable and successful. However, it is also an activity that many college students don’t enjoy very much. To succeed at schools, students need to possess a range of strategies and skills that support self-directed learning. Traditionally, many of these strategies and skills, some of which are highly generic, are not explicitly taught to students in the expectation that students either already have these skills, or will naturally acquire and develop these skills in their course of study. In order to improve the college students’ ability of English reading, we should answer the following questions: What are the English reading habits of students? How to become an effective reader? How to foster the English reading habits? 2. The characteristics of college students With the development of society, science and technology develop at high speed and the competition in the society become sharp. Studies in the past have shown that the exam-oriented educational system promotes rote learning, and so that there needs to be a paradigm shift in how the college students view education and about the way they learn. Most college students read English materials only to pass exams and do not read for pleasure. However, the situation changes now. In order to become well-learnt people that the society needs, most college students long for extensive English reading, hoping to do preparation for the future job by this way. At the same time, the purposes of college students are to complete the studies and to obtain good results. In order to adapt to the demands of society and school, college students treat seeking knowledge as the first duty. They relate themselves to the society closely, hoping to enrich themselves through reading and become the learned persons who can face the challenges of the society. Therefore, the motivation of the majority of college students is definite. It is also obvious that the English reading materials gradually change from the paper materials to the electronic reading materials. The Internet that opens another window for the college students becomes the most convenient tool for college students to get information. Now the ser
