
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background
As the wheels of the society run so fast, we are now entering into a new era whenpeople are more connected and more information are shared due to the prevalence ofthe mobile phones,computers, internet and the wireless wide-band network. More andmore people are no longer isolated, and news concerning politics, economy,entertainment, military, etc. can be seen the moment you switch on TV, computers andmobile phones. It is an age of explosion of the information, and more and more of us areno longer unintelligent. We get more and more familiar with the world around us.However, facing the information, we should have an insight into the truth of them tojudge the reality .It is a requirement and a necessity.In the World Higher Education Conference which was held at the end of 1990s,aproposal titled The Declaration of Higher Education to face the 2 产 Century : Ideas andAction established the mission for the higher education and training, that is to cultivatethe spirit of being critical and attitude of being independent and to educate thestudents to be able to think and analysis problems critically, and the courses should bereformed to surpass the mastering of the basic knowledge and they should include thecritically and creatively analysis skills under the condition of multiple culture. Theacclamation of the cultivation of students' CT ability in the conference leveled the CThigh. Thus, to cultivate the students' CT is a responsibility for the higher education.educators and the high education organizations.The Minority Ethnic Group Preparatory College Education also belongs to HigherEducation, and it is a special type of the higher education .It is based on the reality ofthe minority ethic area and aims at cultivating more highly qualified minority ethnictalents to help the local construction and to enhance the unity of the peoples. Thosestudents who belong to the minority ethnic group and take part in the college entranceexamination can enjoy the privilege of entering into a college with the score lower nomore than 80.But before they get into their target college,英语论文题目,they have to receive l-2yearsof preparatory education to transit to the college education .Those with better Chinesejust receive 1 year preparatory education,and those with weaker Chinese have toreceive 2 years preparatory education .Only they pass all the exams and meet all thestandards in the preparatory education can they further their studying in their targetcolleges. And this thesis will focus on the one-year preparatory college students, formost of them have learned English for years and they have some English basicknowledge while most of the 2 -year preparatory college students have never learnedEnglish before entering into the preparatory college.

1.2 Significance
The study of the cultivation of critical thinking on minority ethnic preparatorycollege students in English reading class is of some significance. The significances arefollowing below.The studies on the minority ethnic preparatory college students in English studyingare mainly about the types of the teaching,英语毕业论文,the problems in the English class, the factorsinfluencing students' English studying, the present situation of the English teaching, andthe suggestions to improve the English teaching quality. Fewer studies are about thecultivation of Critical Thinking on the minority ethnic preparatory college student
