
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Introduction Immersion Education is a unique approach to second language learning. It was first carried out for teaching French in Canada. It emphasized on listening and conversation, especially on teaching relative culture background of the second language. The immersion education in Canada involves the teaching of French by using it as a medium of instruction for other subjects on the curriculum, rather than as a subject. During recent thirty years’ research, it has been made great achievements. That provided us with precious experiences to the second language acquisition. Meanwhile, it can be further developed. At abroad, immersion education was limited in the research of children or pupils. However, the immersion education was still limited on college education in china. This paper made a study on senior English listening comprehension course from four aspects, and hoped to bring some implications to listening comprehension course in senior middle school. 1. Literature view 1.1Background of original immersion education Canada is the first multi-culture country to commence immersion education. The population of Canada can be divided into three parts --- France, English and other races, each of parts takes one third or so. With the ascending of immigration, English had become more and more popular, while the number of French spoken people decreased each year. So the Canadian government took a series of measures on solving the problem. Parents in Canada who wanted their children would do well in future or become bilingual (people who master two languages) proposed the government to provide them with new educational principles through setting up new education systems. Therefore, the first immersion education school was founded in St. Lambert, Canada in 1965 (Qian Mingcai, 2017). Since then, immersion education was popular in many schools of Canada. In these immersion schools, teachers taught curriculum in France to English speaking students. Nowadays, immersion education was carried out in most areas of Canada and America. More than a hundred thousands of children have received immersion education in the world now. 1.2 Definition and classification of immersion education Immersion education is an approach of second language acquisition(SLA) in which the usual curricular activities, such as math、physics、social、culture are conducted in second language. That is to say, it is the medium of instruction as well as the object of instruction (Zhang Hongwen, 2017). Immersion education is a radical approach that becomes more and more popular in many primary schools. In immersion education, children learn their special curriculum through target language. If the children are English native speakers, they receive instruction in French; and if their first language is French, they receive instruction in English. These children therefore receive massive amounts of comprehensive input. According to the learner’s feature and the curriculum, immersion education could be carried out in the following three forms (Zhang Hongwen, 2017): (1) Early total immersion education: In early stage of primary school, all curriculums would be taught in second language. Later, some of the curriculums would be taught in native language before going into middle school. (2) Early partial immersion education: Some of the curriculum would be taught in target language in primary school, while others in native language. (3) Late immersion education: Curriculu,英语论文题目英语论文
