
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

Chapter 1 Introduction

English nouns have always been a hot issue in linguistic study. It has beenfrequently used in our daily life. However, not all English nouns have their evaluativemeanings. This thesis tries to explore the features in the use of English evaluativenouns at the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic level based on the corpus investigation.As the first chapter of this thesis, this chapter consists four parts. The first part isobjectives of the present study; the second part is significance of the present study; thethird part is research questions and research methodology; the last part of this chapteris the organization of this thesis.


1.1 Objectives of the Present Study
Martin’s Appraisal Theory has been frequently used to construe the interpersonalposition. Built on the foundation of his theory, this study is based on the corpusinvestigation to explore the features of the English evaluative nouns from thesemantic, syntactic and pragmatic dimension. In general, there are three objectives ofthe present study.At first, this thesis tends to identify the criteria of evaluative nouns. According tothe criteria, the author chooses the evaluative nouns from the commonly-used 3030English nouns based on the British National Corpus.Second, semantic categories of evaluative nouns need to be explored, whichplays a key important part in Chapter 4. In this thesis, semantic categories ofevaluative nouns are discussed in Chapter 2. Based on the semantic categories ofevaluative nouns, the corpus findings of the use of evaluative nouns are analyzed atthe semantic level.Third, the features in the use of English evaluative nouns are investigated fromthe semantic, syntactic and pragmatic perspective. Based on the corpus investigation,it can find out the use frequency of English evaluative nouns and the evaluativeresources in three systems to realize the evaluative functions.

1.2 Significance of the Present Study
As Systemic Functional Linguistic mentioned, interpersonal function is afundamental meta-function of language. Evaluation plays an important part in theinterpersonal meanings. The research on The Appraisal Theory from the perspectiveof the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic to investigate the features in the use ofevaluative nouns has its theoretical significance. Moreover, this thesis adopts acorpus-based approach to analyze English evaluative nouns, which proposes a newperspective for the further study.Apart from the theoretical significance, this study also has its practical value.According to my reference material, studies of English evaluative nouns within theframework of Appraisal Theory are very limited. In China, several scholars hasstudied abstract nouns or packet nouns, but they mainly focus on lexical aspect ortextual aspect. Compared to the previous studies, this study is interdisciplinary and theperspective is very new and original. It has a wide applied prospect, which can notonly be used in second language acquisition and language teaching but also inautomatic annotation of evaluative vocabulary in natural language. Moreover, it alsohas referential significance for the study of Chinese evaluative vocabulary.

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