
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

1.1 Background of the Research
Man can’t be the real one if he is lack of any of the organ, and the same withlanguage. Language system, just like the body of man, including lexical,pronunciation, grammar, function, and topic, will be broken seriously with theomitting of one of them.But in nowadays, the attitude of teachers’ and students’ negligence of theimportance of grammar teaching has broken the integrity of such system. Withoutlearning of the grammatical rules, students can’t scale a newer and higher level, andthe heights of language, even though they could master and apply the basic languageskills, listening, speaking, reading and writing into use.According to the view of Krashen (1981), the learning of language is a kind ofsubconscious acquisition in the natural situation rather than the formal one in theclassroom environment. With the influence of this point of view, there is no help forthe final output of language and its understanding if one teaches and learns in theartificial environment. And besides, the theory of universal grammar also shows theconsensus opinion which claims that there are some grammatical rules which areinborn with us arranged well, therefore, learning grammar is unnecessary and there isno need to learn it. In addition, because of the birth of Communication TeachingMethod which emphasizes oral English more but paying little attention on grammarteaching and its wide use in both junior and senior high schools, the traditionalgrammar teaching has been downplayed gradually.

1.2 The Significance of the Research
One can see that the comparative studies are more theoretical than experimentalin our country, which couldn’t give some enlightenments to improve grammarteaching and meanwhile, one can take example by but can’t imitate studies abroadwhich may not be appropriate for grammar teaching in China. So, it is necessary toidentify which approach is better for Chinese senior high school students through acontrastive experiment.Theoretically, this paper can provide additional evidence on differentialeffectiveness of applying the deductive and the inductive approaches to grammarteaching in a real classroom setting and the study can confirm which approach is moreeffective on students’ mastering of the target grammar from the perspective of thepersistent effects in the senior high school.From the practical point of view, this paper can provide empirical evidence for teachers on the specific teaching forms and steps of the two approaches.Besides, more suggestions will be put forward for the specific application of thetwo basic methodological approaches, that is, the inductive approach and thedeductive approach.

2 Literature Review

2.1 Conceptions of Relevant Terms
From the ancient scholars Francis Bacon and Aristotle to the scholars nowadays,different conceptions of induction and deduction have been proposed. Opinions varyas time goes by. Therefore, here, some classical definitions of deduction and inductionfrom different views will be cited and examples will be used to explain them. The origin of deduction can be traced back to Aristotle’s time. From top to downcan be the most visualized explanation of deduction, whose one of the evidentcharacteristics is reasoning from theo,英语毕业论文英语论文题目
