With the rapid development of society and economy in the 21st century, English has become more and more important in out daily life. As far as the English teaching in the primary schools is concerned, one of the most important tasks for English teachers is arousing the student’s interest and finding an efficient method of teaching English learning skills. As one of the frequently used media cited by researchers, English movies have be already used in primary English teaching appropriately, especially the English cartoon movies. Cartoons carry information by sounds and images, which can enrich the background knowledge of the students, offer them information as well as enhance their capacity of foreign language learning and understanding. The aim of this paper is to find the difficulties of the students in English learning in the common physical classroom through the way of investigation by questionnaires and discuss the application of the cartoon movie in primary teaching. In addition, it is to investigate the effective way of using the cartoon movie teaching in primary schools. i
Key Words: English cartoon movies; application; primary English teaching
摘 要 随着21世纪社会和经济的快速发展,英语已经变得越来越重要。在小学英语教学中,教师最重要的任务就是激发学生的学习兴趣,并找到一个有效的英语教学的措施。在过去十年中,多媒体辅助语言教学系统为英语教学提供了一个更先进的媒介。作为探讨者经常使用的媒体之一,英语电影,特别是卡通电影,也已经恰当地应用在了小学英语教学当中。英语卡通电影以声音和图像传递信息,既可以丰富学生的背景知识,为他们提供资料,又能增强他们对外语的学习和理解能力。 本文旨在通过问卷调查和略论的形式,英语毕业论文,找出学生在普通课堂中学习英语的困难,并讨论卡通片在小学英语教学中运用的优越性,及其教学的理论基础和有效途径。 关键词:英文卡通电影;应用;小学英语教育;优势
Introduction 5 1. Investigation on Present Situation of English Teaching in Primary School 5 1.1. Investigation Procedure 6 1.2. Investigation Result 6 1.2.1. Learning Difficulties 7 1.2.2. Attribution of the Difficulties 7 1.2.3. Application of Cartoon Movies 7 1.2.4. Students’ Favorite Type of Classroom Activities 8 1.3. The Summary of the Investigation 8 2. Basic Theory 8 2.1. Constructivism 8 2.2. Input Hypothesis 9 3. Application of Cartoon Movies 10 3.1 Features of the Application of Cartoon Movies 10 3.1.1. Advantages of Making Use of Cartoon Movies 10 3.1.2. Disadvantages of Making Use of Cartoon Movies 12 3.2. Some Details of Application of Cartoon Movies 12 3.2.1. Selection of Cartoon Movies 12 3.2.2. Steps of Using Cartoon Movies 13 3.2.3. Some Activities by Using Cartoon Movies 14 Conclusion 15 References 16 Appendix I:对于教师的调查问卷 17 Appendix II:对于学生的调查问卷 18 Acknowledgements 19
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