
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21


Research Background 
With  the  development  of  information  industry,  we  have  various  channels  to obtain  information.  We  have  entered  the  new  era  of  knowledge  acquisition.  The traditional information model cannot meet the demand of the people. In order to make the  students  more  adapt  to  the  society,  we  must  cultivate  the  students’  ability  to acquire  knowledge.  In  fact,  in  order  to  solve  the  various  problems  faced  now  and future  life,  human  learning  is  more  freely  and  learning  is  a  process  of  solving problems(Fogarty,英语论文题目英语毕业论文,2017). Because  of  the  rapid  development  of  modern  society,  the  demand  for  talents becomes increasingly. Traditional Education thought and language ability are essential but  not  enough.  In  this  rapidly  changing  society,  problem-solving  ability  is  very important. When Chinese propose the ―Competence Education‖, the decision clearly pointed out to enhance the ability of students’ collecting and processing information, acquiring  new  knowledge  and  analyzing  the  problems.  College-education  is  higher education,  teachers  should  change  the  teaching  pattern  under  the  guidance  of  the application  of  modern  educational  technology,  means  to  improve  the  quality  of teaching.  Teachers  should  change  the  teaching  subject,  set  the  model  of ―students-centered‖ and reflect the principle of Students Body and Teachers Guide. The traditional teaching method is teachers describe a scene or explain a concept to students through the oral language. This teaching method has certain limitations. It relies  on  textbooks  too  much  to  arouse  the  students’  interest  and  it  cannot  be conducive to the timely update of knowledge and improve the students’ ability. At the same time, the traditional teaching method reduces the teachers’ teaching level. 

Purpose and Significance of the Research 
Research Purpose:  For a long time, College English Curriculum of colleges and universities  in  China  mainly  use  traditional  LBL  (Lecture  Based  Learning)  teaching method.  The  teachers  pay  attention  to  explain,  ignore  the  interaction  with  students, most  students  are  accustomed  to  listening,  taking  notes  and  have  reflections  to exam-notes.  Students  have  little  interest  in  active  learning.  So,  students  are  lack  of interests  in the course of College English and teachers’ teaching effect is  very  poor. How to strengthe
