In the whole course of teaching, school students' trainingincludes not merely the curriculum stipulated in the teachingplan which is called formal curriculum, but also includes theother contents not listed in the teaching plan called hiddencurriculum. In the last decade, there has been text reforms inCollege English and revision in the curriculum of Englishmajor which indicates that the formal curriculum in Englishteaching has been obviously focused on, while it is not thesame with the hidden curriculum which greatly affects thequality of College English teaching. And currently, thedrawback of College English teaching shows the failure inobtaining the desirable effect in teaching. Therefore, we needto look in greater detail at the nature and the function of thehidden curriculum and how it affects conceptions of successand failure within the Education system.
2 The Nature of Hidden Curriculum
“Hidden curriculum”, originally coined by Philip WesleyJackson ("Life in Classrooms", 1968), is used by educatorshistorically in three primary senses: 1) to mean a kind ofindoctrination that attempts to maintain social privilege --oresoteric knowledge and practices--and that is imposed togetherwith the formal, taught curriculum; 2) to refer to the subtleeffects of the setting in which formal education occurs; 3) torefer to the unstated rules necessary for successful completionof formal education studies
3 The Function of Hidden Curriculum in CollegeEnglish Teaching
3.1 Hidden curriculum is an indispensable complement offormal curriculum in college English teaching. “Hidden curriculum” refers to those things that are taughtimplicitly and which do not appear on the formal curriculum.It plays as an indispensable complement of formal curriculum.The latter is usually utopian. Actually, different students anddifferent teachers would have their own hidden curricula bytheir own conditions to meet different needs. And according tomodern curriculum theory, curriculum is a complicated systemformed by elements of multilevel. Without hidden curriculum,the English curriculum structure is not a complete systemnaturally, which cannot bring the normal function of the systeminto play and consequently cannot realize the goal of Englisheducation totally.We use "hidden curriculum" to draw attention to the ideathat schools do more than simply aid the transmission ofknowledge between one generation and the next, but alsotransmit the ways in which students learn to accept the denialand interruption of their personal desires and wishes. And thelatter, such as the stimulation of English learning motivation,the cultivation of English learning enthusiasm, the formation ofEnglish learning experience, etc., only depending on inculcatingand instructing will be not effective. Most of them will becompleted by the hidden curriculum, which has the functionthat formal curriculum can't be substituted.
3.2 Hidden curriculum has an influence on students’ ideologyand culture development in College English teaching. As stated before, hidden curriculum refers to the contents,other than academic knowledge, not listed in formal curriculum.So it also passes beliefs, values and understandings on to thestudents, not explicitly, but uncons,英语论文,英语毕业论文 |