
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The General Introduction of Pronunciation
It is known to all that the language is the significant tool for humancommunication. It has two forms: one is the oral language, the other is written one;there are many languages in the world that have no written form, but the existinglanguage without sound is really few. Oral form includes two aspects: on the one hand,people express their own thoughts through the sound; on the other hand, people alsoget information from others and understand others’ thoughts via sound. Therefore,communication is first achieved through the sound.The form of spoken language, i.e. pronunciation, like the other sound, is aphysical phenomenon, but the unique feature of pronunciation is that it is thecombination of sound and meaning. Hence, in the process of language acquisition, thelearners should learn the pronunciation first and learn it well, as Gimson (1989:4)indicates that “to speak any language a person must know nearly 100% of itspronunciation / phonetics, while only 50%--90% grammar and 1% of the vocabularymay be sufficient”. In other words, the acquisition and the acceptance of a languageand the development of one’s language competence all begin with the learning ofpronunciation. What is more, the pronunciation plays an important and fundamentalrole in the daily communication as well: only when you speak the language with theaccurate pronunciation and correct rhythm, can the listener comprehend your meaningquickly and precisely, then he could give the corresponding response, as a result, thecommunication would go smoothly and pleasantly.

1.2 The Importance of Pronunciation in Language Acquisition
Pronunciation, as one of the three fundamental components (pronunciation,vocabulary and grammar) of a language, experts and learners have already reached aconsensus that it is of vital importance in the process of language learning andcorrectly, read texts fluently, understand listening materials successfully, express theirideas confidently, and thereby boost their self-confidence in learning English. Inconsequence, with teacher’s and classmates’ approval, they feel a sense of success,which will stimulate their learning motivation and encourage them to go further.Conversely, many learners, with an incorrect and unnatural pronunciation, are too shyto open their mouth and express themselves, for they are afraid to make mistake andbe laughed at by others, which becomes a threat to them and hinder their necessaryoral practice, and they may be silent in class; in this way, their English learning istrapped in a vicious circle, and they would lost confidence and interest in learningEnglish. Therefore, whether the pronunciation is good or bad has great impact on thelearners’ whole confidence and motivation of learningAs an important element of a language, pronunciation is the foundation of oralcommunication and the starting point of language teaching and acquisition. Therefore,pronunciation teaching is not only the key point of beginning phase of Englishteaching, but is also covered through the whole process of English teaching andlearning. In one word, English pronunciation teaching is of great significance.

1.3 The Purpose and Significance of the Pre
