English Graduate Teaching English Academic Writing[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

论文字数:21600论文编号:org201710201732017849语种:英语论文 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:English writing has been concerned by more and more scholars since it became an independent subject.There are many studies on English writing teaching at home and abroad. Based on previous studies of thosescholars, this thesis tries to find out whether imitation writing approach is effectively in teachingnon-English postgraduates’ English academic writing under the memetics theory. Memetics is a new theoryto explain the principle of culture evolution based on the Darwinian, proposed firstly in Dawkins’ TheSelfish Gene in 1976. Meme has two meaning, the information stored in human’s brain is meme, and theinformation broadcasted by various kinds of methods is also meme. Meme survives relying on beingcopied and broadcasted; language is one of its carriers. In China, Professor He Ziran illustrated therelationship between meme and language teaching in 2017, he mentioned that meme had a positive effecton imitation teaching. From this point, the author tries to study whether the imitating writing approach isefficient on the teaching of postgraduates’ English academic writing.

Chapter Ⅰ Introduction

This chapter is an overview of the whole thesis. It consists of the background of the study, thesignificance of the study, and the organization of the whole thesis.

1.1 Research background
Why students learn writing? Some people think students need learning to write, some other holdthat students need writing to learn. For many teachers, the latter one has replaced the former one; theythink there is a direct relationship between the development of students’ thinking capacity and theprocess of writing which students try their best to find meaning. It means writing is a process ofself-discovery, self-evaluation, and a process to discover and evaluate the around world.Writing in the language classroom can primarily be looked at under two broad categories: languagereinforcement and writing as communication. From language reinforcement perspective, the principalreason for writing is to strengthen oral language most often in terms of gains in accuracy. Linked to thisreinforcement role, writing can be used as a diagnostic and an assessment tool. During a speakingactivity, the teacher may be unable or unwilling to correct certain errors and thus the correction ofwritten work means that the teacher is able to identify a range of errors, assess the writing ability of alearner, and where necessary, programmer corrective exercises.The above role of writing sees writing as a part of the language learning process rather than as acommunicative skill. From a communicative approach, writing in the classroom can also be placedunder the category of where improved writing skills are goals of the course. Courses such as English foracademic purposes or certain business English courses may place more emphasis on writing as aseparate skill that needs to be taught and practiced in the classroom.The teaching of English writing has always been focused by a large number of English educators.Many writing teaching methods has been proposed and studied, including product approach, processapproach, genre approach, and process-genre approach and so on. These approaches are newer thanimitation writing approach which the author studied in this thesis. The use of imitation writing approachcould be traced back to the beginning of English teaching in China. With the appearance of those newwriting approaches mentioned above makes people begin to ignore imitation writing approach. In recentyears, a new linguistics theory is very popular, it is memetics. The original conception of the meme isfirstly proposed by Dawkins (1976) in his book The Selfish Gene, then it expanded by many otherlinguists like Blackmore. One of the effects of the development of memetics is making people think therelationship between meme and translation, meme and culture, meme and language teaching and so on.In China, Professor He Ziran illustrated the relationship between meme and language teaching in 2017,he mentioned that meme had a positive effect on imitation teaching.From this point, the author will focus on the point of meme and English writing teaching, and willembody it on the imitation writing approach in the teaching of postgraduate’s English paper writing,tries to study whether the imitating writing approach is efficient on the teaching of postgraduates’English academic writing.

1.2 Significance of the study
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