
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-21

【关键词】比较 教学 诗歌 戏剧 小说

Abstract:This paper discusses how the comparison method is applied flexibly in teaching different genres of Englishliterature and its achievable effects.Key Words:comparison;teaching;poetry;drama;novel



英语诗歌一直是英语文学教学中的难点,因为诗歌在相对来讲比较有限的篇幅中传达了比较多的意念和情感,使它对语言的凝炼有特殊要求;它形象化和情感化的特点也注定了它要频繁地利用意象和各种修辞手段;由于题材和音韵上的特点,英语诗歌又被区分为不同的诗体。至少由于上述几种文体上的特点,再加上学生关于英语语言的陌生,诗歌的讲解和理解关于教师和学生来说都不容易。要让中国学生了解英语诗歌的特点,并最终有能力理解和欣赏它们,英语论文范文,教师们要选择合适的素材和教学手段。本文所选择的两首诗歌均篇幅不长,且语言简单,适合学生当堂阅读。从主题上来讲,它们都是爱情诗,属于学生们比较能理解的题材。相同主题的诗歌比较是诗歌教学中经常采用的手段,但应尽量避免“死亡”、“玄学”、“宗教”等一些生僻的主题,而选择相对来讲接近学生生活的题材。诗歌The Willing Mistress由十七世纪的英国职业女作家Aphra Behn所创作,其所采用的语气极为柔媚:

The Willing MistressAmyntas led me to a grove,Where all the trees did shade us;The sun itself,though it had strove,It could not have betrayed us.The place secured from human eyesNo other fear allowsBut when the winds that gently riseDo kiss the yielding boughs.Down there we sat upon the moss,And did begin to playA thousand amorous tricks,to passThe heat of all the day.A many kisses did he giveAnd I returned the same,Which made me willing to receiveThat which I dare not name.His charming eyes no aid requiredTo tell their softening tale;On her that was already fired,'Twas easy to prevail.He did but kiss and clasp me round,Whilst those his thoughts expressed:And laid me gently on the ground;Ah who can guess the rest?

在十七世纪女性以纯洁缄默为美的年代,Aphra Behn不仅走向公众,发表文章,而且大胆描写女性的情感、欲望、梦想和现实。在这首诗歌中,说话人是一位处在爱情狂想中的女子,英语论文网站,她所爱的是一位有妇之夫。她描写的是一次丛林中的约会“,A many kisses did he give/And I returnedthe same/Which made me willing to receive/That which I darenot name.” 通过这般率直的描绘,读者能感受到其令人无法抗拒的柔波一般的感情,而其结尾处欲说还羞的表达使整首诗歌充满了挑逗意味。十七世纪的女诗人如此直截了当地描写密林深处的私情在当时所引起的轰动和指责是可想而知的。在另一首以AMan’sRequirements为题的诗歌中,讲话人是一位男性:

Love me Sweet,with all thou art,Feeling,thinking,seeing;Love me in the lightest part,Love me in full being.Love me with thine open youthIn its frank surrender;With the vowing of thy mouth,With its silence tender.Love me with thine azure eyes,Made for earnest grantings;Taking colour from the skies,Can Heaven's truth be wanting?Love me with their lids,that fallSnow-like at first meeting;Love me with thine heart,that allNeighbours then see beating.Love me with thine hand stretched outFreely--open-minded:Love me with thy loitering foot,--Hearing one behind it.Love me with thy voice,that turnsSudden faint above me;Love me with thy blush that burnsWhen I murmur'Love me!'Love me with thy thinking soul,Break it to love-sighing;Love me with thy thoughts that rollOn through living--dying.Love me in thy gorgeous airs,When the world has crowned thee;Love me,kneeling at thy prayers,With the angels round thee.Love me pure,as muses do,Up the woodlands shady:Love me gaily,fast and true,As a winsome lady.Through all hopes that keep us brave,Farther off or nigher,Love me for the house and grave,And for something higher.Thus,if thou wilt prove me,Dear,Woman's love no fable,I will love thee--half a year–As a man is able.




