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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research background
English is an international language which is widely used around the world. Itsusefijlness has been recognized by more and more people. Thus great importance hasbeen attached to English learning and teaching. It is pointed out by Hoey (2017; 90)and Chen Guohua (2017) that there are five valuable resources for learners to acquirelanguage,namely, language teachers, language textbooks, dictionaries, Referencegrammars, and media materials. This shows the important role dictionaries play inforeign language learning. Students in junior secondary school are a group of Englishlearners at the primary stage. It is of great significance for them to cultivate the abilityof using dictionaries,which will undoubtedly improve the ability of their autonomouslearning, and benefit them a lot in their later study.A worker must sharpen his tools to facilitate the work. We all know the importantrole dictionaries play in foreign language learning, but it is not clear whether thisindispensable learning tool is good enough for junior secondary school learners.Although there are a variety of dictionaries available, an English dictionary whichspecially tailored for Chinese junior secondary school learners is rare. However,according to the theory of second language acquisition, when the elementary learnerslearn a foreign language, they are easily influenced by the native language. Differentnative languages have different characteristics and difficulties in learning a foreignlanguage. Therefore,it's necessary to specially compile an English learner's dictionaryfor Chinese English-learning beginners. For the above reasons, the research of a studyof corpus-based compilation of English dictionary for junior secondary school learners(EDJSSL) is coming out.

1.2 Research purpose and expected value
A dictionary is an important tool in language learning. Learner's dictionariesshould be designed and compiled in accordance with the actual needs. To make thedictionary meet the needs for Chinese junior secondary school learners, studies are stillneeded for finding out an appropriate model for designing a suitable dictionary forthem. Currently, a rich variety of bilingual dictionaries of different kinds have been published,英语论文网站,however, a corpus-based English dictionary which specially tailored forChinese junior secondary school learners is rare. It is high time we needed to explorethe area of learner's dictionary which will not only provide the learners with a bank ofknowledge but also a tool for English acquisition and learning. What's more, manyresearches and studies on learner's dictionaries mainly focus on college learners, oradvanced English learners,英语论文,studies on dictionary compilation for elementary levelstudents, such as junior secondary school students, are rare.Motivated by the research gap, the present study attempts to construct a positiveEnglish dictionary for junior secondary school learners (EDJSSL), which containsgeneral principles for designing an EDJSSL which should meet the need of learnersand provide learners with necessary and adequate information with the purpose ofencoding. This thesis attempts to conceive the lexicography of an EDJSSL from theaspects of entry selection, word definition, illustrative examples and collocation basedon the small self-built corpus.
