
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
From 1970s, the western language scholars begin to pay attention to teachertalk and since the mid 1990s, teacher talk gets great attention from domesticresearchers, because teacher talk is not only a tool to impart knowledge, but alsoserves as a crucial source of knowledge input. In classrooms, the suitable selectionof teachers talk can directly influence the success of classroom teaching tofacilitate students’ learning and to effectively help students construct knowledge(Cheng Xiaotang, 2017).As a part of teacher talk, teachers’ questioning can both significantly affectthe quantity and quality of student interaction in the lessons (Brock, 1986), andalso can inspire students’ thinking, stimulate students’ attention, induce enthusiasmof participation, and provide activities clues, etc. In China, since English is theforeign language, students can rarely find opportunities to communicate in Englishoutside the classrooms. Teachers are reliable for offering adequate comprehensibleinput to students. Studies of teacher’s questioning behavior show that questioningconstitutes 20% to 40% of classroom talk (Chaudron, 1988). So teachers’questioning plays a crucial part in language acquisition (Richards and Lockhart,1994). However, the study of teachers’ questioning is relatively not very deep orcomprehensive, because teachers’ questioning is studied merely as a kind ofdiscourse input.

1.2 Significance of the study
The usage of teachers’ questioning constitutes one of the most commonteaching techniques, which do frequently occur during the teaching process. According to Gall (1970) and Ellis (1994), asking questions is regarded as avaluable medium for instruction in which students are stimulated to think andlearn. Teachers’ questioning is a basic means of interactions between teachers andstudents, and is a key factor to determine the success of students’ languageacquisition. In the previous studies, scholars pay more attention to the content ofteachers’ questioning, so the pragmatic studies are few, especially from theperspective of AT. Therefore, it is valuable and significant to study teachers’questioning from the perspective of pragmatics, which helps teachers improve thequality of questioning and facilitate students’ language acquisition. The authoranalyzes teachers’ questioning based on AT and puts forward some implicationsfor English teachers to improve their questioning skills. Therefore, the thesis isvalued both in practice and theory.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory
Compared with speech act theory, conversational implicature theory, andrelevance theory, etc., AT is less noticed whether in foreign pragmatic researchfield or domestic pragmatic research field. He Ziran (2017) says that there may betwo reasons: First, AT belongs to the theoretical framework of European continent,compared with Anglo-American school, and the goals of the research are moreconcerned with social, psychological and political problems than linguistic levels.Second, the publicity and popularization of the founder and its followers are notenough, and the delimitation of pragmatics as a branch of linguistics is vague.However, there is no doubt that AT has a,英语论文题目英语毕业论文
