
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the study
A lot of researchers focused on techniques of teachers’ questioning since the earlyyears in the twentieth century. In the first 50 years, describing and evaluating English teachers’questioning in the classroom have been of great concern in the research; while in the next 20years, rigorous and systematic methods have been developed to identify teachers’ questioningbehaviors.In the beginning of 1970s, some researchers started to pay attention toward recognizingthe relations between the achievement of students and the questioning behaviors of the teachers.Since then the classroom questioning has become a significant portion of classroom instructioncontinuously, second only to lecturing in terms of popularity. According to Cotton (2017), theteachers’ questioning in the featured classroom is very popular and a lot of teachers would liketo spend 35~50% of their teaching time in performing questioning behaviors in various forms.Teachers’ questioning in class has been considered to be the most unique and affectedteaching practice (Taba, et al. 1964).In addition, Hunkins (1976) said that the teachingquestions are very important and if there are not the questions there is not the informationprocessing. Some literatures discussed that classroom questioning is very efficient inpromoting the student to interact, consider and study (Wilen, et al. 2017). In recent years, alarge number of investigators have come to an agreement that the classroom is a worthwhileplace to conduct research, in which case classroom questioning plays a significant role inclassroom teaching. There is no doubt that this form of teaching is becoming one of the mostpopular modes, hence, effective classroom questioning should facilitate teachers’ instruction byimproving English learners’ language output.

1.2 Objectives and significance of the study
As there is relatively few research of classroom questioning which has emphasized on thejoint of classroom question and the expectation of the students. In this thesis the betterunderstanding will be put forward on how current college English teachers ask questions inclass and the students’ ideals about classroom questioning. In accordance with these reviews ofprevious research, general studies on teaching and researching on the second language teachingnow start to focus on the demand that the teachers should hear their voices originated fromthemselves, which helps teachers’ to master the practice in the classroom. So let the teachershear their voices could encourage them to become more reflective of their own teachingperformance by sharing their teaching experiences with others. A better understanding ofstudents’ expectations could also assist the teachers to enhance their own skills of classroomquestioning, hence satisfy the demands of the students and satisfy their expectation.Classroom questioning is currently one of the most common and effective teachingmethods in English language classroom teaching. It is the bond between the teacher andstudents during their interactive learning process; at the same time, it is a vital teachingtechnique to make the students improve their skills in expression and outcome of language.Therefore, teacher questioning has significant effect on common teaching activities. Theresearch brings forward some suggestions to help pr,英语论文英语论文题目
