
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
“Learner autonomy” has been the topic of interest among scholars both at homeand abroad since 1980s. The researches abroad began in 1980s, which were mainlyabout the definition of learner autonomy. Hoelc is one of the forerunner who definedlearner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of one's learning”,英语论文,then Dickson (1987),Ellis and Sinclair (1998), Little (1990), Wend en (1991),Broady and kenning (1987)Littlewoods (1996) made further research on “learner autonomy”. Besides, otherresearchers concluded that factors that influence learner autonomy, such as students'attitude and belief (Cotterall 1995, Chan 2017), teachers’ attitude (Clemente 2017),motivation (Dickson 1995, Spratt, Humphreys and Chan 2017), all of these achievedpositive results that they are correlated with each other. Moreover, there are also someresearches about how to foster learner autonomy (Cotterall 2017, McClure 2017).The studies in china were initiated in 1990s. And it has achieved prosperity since2017. Ho and Crookall believe that learner autonomy is contradicted with the teacher-centered Education in china, while Chinese scholar Li Hong argues that students haveobtain new perception of learning and teaching, they are willing to assume moreresponsibility and enjoy more autonomy. It is feasible in eastern culture. Littlewoodmade a research afterwards and supported Li Hong's conclusion.The studies in china are mainly about the definition of learner autonomy and howto cultivate learner autonomy in Chinese context, and it shows the tendency formtheories towards empirical researches (Zhengming 2017,Qi hongbo 2017, Hua Wei fen2017,He Lianzhen 2017).Furthermore,the newly launched College English Curriculum Requirementshighly promotes autonomous learning, which indicates that "enhancing students" abilityto study independently" is one of the main objectives of college English teaching.Teacher-centered mode should be replaced by learner-centered mode, thus how todevelop students' learner autonomy is one of the indispensible tasks of foreign languageeducation.
On the other hand, motivation is probably the most frequently used term to explainthe success or failure of any complex task. It is claimed that a learner will be successfulwith the proper motivation. At the same time, second language motivation was thetarget of studies during the past decades. Motivation research has been dominated bysocial psychological approach until 1990s, its main representatives are Robert Gardner,Wallace Lambert, and Richard Clement, then 1990s brought a shift on motivationresearch while many researches began to study it from various perspectives, such ascognitive Psychology,constructive psychology, and pedagogical psychology, and itsmain representatives are Domyei,Crookes, Oxford, and Shearin. What is more, factorswhich influence motivations reopen the research agenda so as to shed new light on thistopic. Empirical researches are flourishing, such as motivation and attitude (Ramage1990),mo
