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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-22

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
In 1963,Samuel Kirk,a psychologist who worked extensively on minimal braindysfunction, first used the term “learning disabilities" to describe students who are normalin intelligence but have difficulties in courses. From then on studies on learning difficultieshave attracted more and more attention from Educationists and psychologists.In the 1970s and 1980s, researchers noticed the psychological characteristics andsocial background of the students with learning difficulties. They adopted the standpointand methods of social Psychology and explored topics like achievement attribution, socialcharacteristics and the relation between the characteristics of self-conception andbehavioral patterns of students with learning difficulties.The diagnosis and intervention of learning difficulties embarked upon a new phase inthe 1980s and research on the classification of learning difficulties in this period wereproductive. Since the 1990s,researchers at home and abroad shifted their focus fromtheoretical discussion to practical operation. To date, studies concerning learningdifficulties both home and abroad center on three aspects, namely, definition of learningdifficulties,causes of learning difficulties,英语毕业论文,and intervention approaches to help studentswith learning difficulties.

1.2 Statement of Problem
The study of learning difficulties is a flourishing yet challenging area. Its importanttheoretical significance and practical value promoted the exploration of many researchersand the results till now are encouraging and fruitful. But at the same time there exist manychallenges. The most depressing one is that researchers haven't reached an agreement onthe definition of learning difficulties. The divergence on the theoretical definition oflearning difficulties reflects the complexity of this phenomenon and different opinionsresearchers hold on the nature of it. Different operational definitions greatly underminedthe validity of the existed studies.Studies in China are comparatively late in both time and findings. There are somelimitations of the existing studies. First of all, restricted by the term "children" in most ofthe definitions of learning difficulties,the majority of the subjects are students from juniormiddle school and primary school. Few are studies directing at senior high or adults. Giventhat non-English majors are the largest group of Chinese EFL learners, the study of theirEnglish learning difficulties is of great theoretical and realistic significance. Secondly,studies on the causes of learning difficulties often focus on one cause such as the familyeducation or motivation. Since learning difficulties is a complex phenomenon withmultiple influencing factors, it is hard to understand the whole picture just by examiningone element or a few. Therefore,studies focusing on more causes of learning difficultieswill be of pedagogical implications for both teachers and students.

1.3 Purpose and Method of the Study
Taking the above limitations int,英语毕业论文
