这儿有几种观点用来区别新的信息。其中之一是意识的收件人在作家的假设的基础上的观点。 There are several views which account for the distinction of given and new information. One of these is based on the speaker/writer’s assumptions about the consciousness of the addressee. [7] Chafe (1976:30) defines given information as “knowledge which the speaker assumes to be in the consciousness of the addressee at the time of utterance”, and new information as “what the speaker assumes he is introducing into the addressee’s consciousness.” His work (1994) further recognizes a three-way breakdown into given, accessible, and new information in place of the simple binary distinction of given and new information. Chafe proposes that given information can be characterized as already active at the time of utterance, accessible information as semiactive at the point of utterance and new information as inactive at the time of utterance. The distinction between given and accessible information can be illustrated in the following examples. (8) A: We got some beer out of the trunk.B: The beer was warm. (Chafe, 1994:170) (9) A: We checked the picnic supplies. B: The beer was warm. (Chafe, 1994:170) 啤酒在B的响应(8)已被视为给定的信息,英语毕业论文,因为它已被确立为一个共享指涉的话语。 The beer in B’s response of (8) has been treated as given information since it has been established as a shared referent with A’s utterance. The beer in (9) is accessible because of the knowledge that the picnic supplies are likely to contain beer. Another view centers on predictability. Kuno is a proponent of this view. In Kuno’s term, linguistic referents are given if they are predictable, and if the addressee could predict them when they are deleted. On the other hand, new referents are unpredictable.The other view is closely related to what Halliday calls recoverability. According to Halliday, information that is presented as recoverable is given; if not, it is new. To this, he adds that there are a number of elements in language that are inherently given in the sense that they are not interpretable except by the reference to some previous mentions or some features of the situation. The reference includes anaphoric elements, which refer to things mentioned before, and deictic elements, which are interpreted by reference to the “here and now” of the discourse. 上述所有的意见和新的信息有着非常密切的联系,而不是相互独立的。然而,关于可能进行的实际略论,英语论文题目,我们并不需要区分写作的探讨人员,并精细化所有的时间。 All the above views on given and new information are very closely related and not independent of each other. However, for practical analysis that writing researchers are likely to carry out, we do not need to distinguish them so finely all the time. Based on the previous studies, several writing researchers suggest that given information covers elements that have been mentioned prior to a particular point in a text, recoverable from the extralinguistic situation or texts, or inferrable from the other mentioned discourse entities through logical and plausible reasoning or world knowledge. On the other hand, new information refers to firstly introduced discourse entities only. Along the line with the arguments of these researchers, we classify inferable and evoked entities into discourse entities representing given information as opposed to new information which contains firstly introduced discou |