Chapter 1 Introduction引言
Being a significant rhetorical figure, hyperbole is attracting various attentions fromdifferent areas. These studies have led the recognition of hyperbole to a stage ofdiscovering its linguistic essence in which the cognitive research is seldom touched upon.So the cognitive analysis of hyperbole in practical application enjoys feasibility andnecessity. This chapter includes the background, objective, significance and Outline ofhyperbolic study.
1.1 Background of the study探讨背景
In the developmental process of the progressively flourish of mass media, advertisingis becoming an essential topic in practical study. The key issue for advertisers tounderstand is how to attract the intention of the audiences, as well as to arouse theirinterest and desire to buy the particular product. This is called AIDA for short which refersto attention, interest, desire and action. Moreover, with the achievement of successfuladvertisement, commercial advertising, apart from its persuasive function, has enrichedthe contextual cognition and set up models for audiences to catch commercial intensions.All these successful samples have brought unprecedented influence in bothcommunication and interpretation by means of employing various language skills.Correspondingly, advertising language deserves urgent necessity and popularity to bestudied from different aspects. Particularly, it is attracting an increasing number ofscholars in the fields of rhetoric, literary criticism, psychology, anthropology, sociology,and philosophy, which have made great contribution to present studies.Hyperbole is a kind of logical imagination according to objective fact. It exaggeratesthe original expression and particular attribute, so as to express the intense emotion, and tostrengthen the ideal expressive force of language. However, people cannot comprehendthe exaggerated image only by literal meaning which appears to be out of reality.Hyperbolic expression is required to illustrate the reality and to discover the essence of theintrinsic utterance. The study on hyperbole stretches from 1910s till present times. Basedon the opinion of classical rhetoric, hyperbole is ‘a figure or trope of bold exaggeration’(Preminger, 1974: 359). Then functional and pragmatic approaches highlighted itslinguistic character. Norrick (2017: 1728) advocates the pragmatic function of hyperboleas: literally counterfactual and contextually meaningful. Grice (1975: 298) suggestshyperbole is a pragmatic rhetorical phenomenon by means of breaking the maxims ofcooperative principle. Later many linguists make their researches throughmultidisciplinary studies including cognitive psychology, philosophy, semiotics, andhermeneutics.Relevance theory was first proposed by French philosopher Dan Sperber and Britishlinguist Deirdre Wilson in 1986 in their book Communication and Cognition. This theorysuggests that communicator relates his immediate context with relevance in order to makeeffective utterance; audience sets up a series of hypothesis to find the most proper one asoptimal relevance (Wilson & Sperber, 1986/1995: 568). Later, relevance theory is appliedin various fields such as literature, translation, interpretation, discourse analysis, andrhetoric. Particularly, the research on hyperbol,英语论文网站 |