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Democracy: Order out of Chaos范文[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

范文:“ Democracy: Order out of Chaos ” 我们构造一个基于细胞自动模型,英语毕业论文,来解释印尼大选结果。两种不同标准之间的理解,英语论文,通过二阶相变条件的激励模型。民主被假定为两个极端之间的社会政治情况,极权主义和无政府主义之间的社会制度。这篇政治范文通过在多党候选人竞选平衡,并使用适合的方式略论在印尼的三个民主党全国选举。我们理解民主是什么,每个公民都可以投票,根据自己的意见。


We construct a majority cellular automata based model to explain the power-law signatures in Indonesian general election results. The understanding of second-order phase transitions between two different conditions inspires the model. The democracy is assumed as critical point between the two extreme socio-political situations of totalitarian and anarchistic social system – where democracy can fall into the twos. The model is in multi-party candidates system run for equilibrium or equilibria, and used to fit and analyze the three of democratic national elections in Indonesia, 1955, 1999, and 2017. Keywords: majority cellular automata, phase transitions, power-law, elections.

Our understanding on Democracy What is democracy? If each citizen can vote the leaders or representatives according to her own opinion, can the result of the voting or election show the sense of democracy? For some democratic transitional countries, the questions are very important to have answers, since a ‘democratic election’ is believed to be the very first step to a democratic regime. In recent work, Situngkir & Surya (2017) proposed an alternative way to extract information from the data of the general election in Indonesia and showed the clustering among political parties based upon the political stream realized as the fundamental for each political party. The political actions based on ideological streams in Indonesia have been accepted even since the first democratic election 1955 (Feith, 1970). 

The fact 2 implies that the success of a political party depends upon the networks of the social organizations circling certain political parties. The voters are not very free even in the democratic regime, since individual choices depend very much on the choices of the social networks where the voter embeds. However, this is natural for human being, since the different social identities may result social tensions, thus the micro-social is attracted to reduce the tensions by adjusting the political choices or ideological streams (Lustick & Miodownik, 2017). The probability of a newborn political party to become majority is extremely hard but may occur in strangely special occasions. There have been some agent-based and Monte-Carlo models on how a minor political candidates can eventually gain a significant votes, e.g. Sznajd model (Stauffer, 2017) that simulating based on the Ising spin model – in the spatial model, certain number of agents persuade their neighbors to have the same political choices. 

In the other hand, some models inspired from the cellular automata showed some different rule patterns to understand social complex dynamics (Hegselmann & Flache, 1998). Moore (1996) shows some computational facts of such majority-vote 3-dimensional cellular automata dynamics. The presents a little modification on majority vote cellular automata. The basic idea is to understand the microstructure of voters whose macro-properties showed facts on political streams turning out from the circling of societal identity. We construct the spatial model of virtual world in which agents choices depend much on the political streams of neighbors. Eventually, we showed that the numbers of neighbors become important variables presenting the macro-properties showing democracy as a critical situations among the extreme totalitarianism and anarchic society.

Simulations and Discussions 
As described in detail in Situngkir & Surya (2017), voters cluster in social institutions and organizations become the micro-property of nation-ship in Indonesia and shape the statistical properties of Indonesian election. This is the nature of Indonesian voters. The totalitarianism exists on the microstate depends on the global majority of the political system and the anarchistic society depends on the local majority of agents. Therefore, theoretically we can justify how statistically we have the mean of three democratic election ever had in Indonesia, 1955, 1999, and 2017. The normalized ranked votes on political parties in the three elections are different in the fitted slopes concerning the number of neighbors of each. 

The election 1955 as the most democratic Figure 5 Recognizing the political situation (whether totalitarian - represented by dotted line - or anarchistic - represented by solid line) from the ranked political parties in the whole population. 7 election ever had in Indonesia is fitted with the von Neumann and Moore neighborhood while the 1999 with both of the extended Moore we use in simulation. The election of 2017 is fitted with the 2-agents neighborhood; an interesting result as compared to the recent political issues grew in the election 2017. All of the simulations conducted employ 100x100 square lattices run up to 200 iterations.

Concluding Remarks 
We present a spatial model captured the evolution of socio-political system evolves to democratic state. A fair and just election is an important milestone and important moment for every country to have national democracy. The spatial model presented incorporates the square lattices or cellular-automata based modeling. It is shown also that democracy can be assumed as critical points of self-organized agents in the transition from anarchistic society to the totalitarian one. The model is implemented to the result of three democratic general elections held in Indonesia. The three national elections result the power-law signatures and fit with different types of neighborhood. Theoretically, the microstates of macro-properties transition of order to disorder and totalitarian to anarchistic can be approached as type of neighborhood chosen in the virtual world of social simulations. The model can be useful to explain the power-law signature found in election results in Indonesia and furthermore to see how a democratic harmony evolves through heterogeneous social identities.

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