Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25


I. Introduction

Curious about new and untried things or eager to play cool in front of others are today’s youngsters, they continuously keep on trying new things as new things spring up in a very fast speed out of the unprecedented development in the economy, politics, culture, technology and other aspects in the whole world. Marijuana, though an illicit drug known to everyone, is still popular among celebrities and authorities in that marijuana brings the users illusion, self-satisfaction, stimulation and relief to get themselves rid of the cruel and unsatisfactory reality where they suffer a lot malaise, suppression and pressure, which makes them suffocated and breathless. So common used is marijuana that even women of reproductive age as well as pregnant women have picked up the habit of taking marijuana and once they took it, they will undoubtedly be addicted to it and they can’t help taking it ever since. One can imagine that a question about how marijuana use during pregnancy will affect fetal brain development will definitely follow and long-term epidemiological studies to assess the health outcomes of fetal exposure to Marijuana have been conducted, the findings varying much among them. Therefore the following will be the elaboration on the truth that marijuana should not be not legalized, which will be justified by the detrimental effects of marijuana use during pregnancy to fetal brain development. 

THC, the psychoactive components of marijuana and responsible for the vast majority of the detrimental effects of marijuana to human beings, is a lipid soluble compound that first crosses the placenta and then passes to the developing fetus. What was previously known about the effects of marijuana on brain development mainly focus on the following aspects: it will lead to the neurological disorder of the pregnant women and the infants inside, such as anxiety, confusion, delusion, depression, paranoia, psychosis and so on; it will cause damage to memory and behavior in that marijuana abuse can make the ability of memory, attention, calculation and judgment deteriorate or even just loss, if it is long-term, it can also cause degenerative encephalopathy, users’ thinking being slow or simple-minded and memory being confused; it will affect the immune system as it will do harm to cell and humoral immune function so that the fetal will be more susceptible to viral and bacterial infection; it will make both the pregnant women and the infants inside the victims of many diseases, like bronchitis, pharyngitis, asthma, laryngeal edema and something like that; the overdose of it will also influence the motor coordination out of its intrinsic destroy to the coordination function of the muscle movement, resulting in standing balance disorder, hand tremor, loss of ability to complexly operate frequently needed in the daily life; it will give rise to the deformity of nursling step by step with the dose of marijuana being taken by women of reproductive age increases; even worse it will touch off retention of dead fetus when bearing and abortion during the gestation period. 

All of the above is the basic situation of the detrimental effects of marijuana use during pregnancy to fetal brain development of the general studies. Specifically speaking, heavy use of marijuana during pregnancy can impair social behaviors, cognition, and motor functions in the offspring, with impact lasting well into adulthood (Fried et al, 2017; Huizink & Mulder, 2017; Passey et al, 2017; Shabani et al, 2017). Although cannabis is viewed by many as a harmless recreational drug when compared with other illicit drugs, there is mounting evidence to suggest that prenatal cannabis exposure can have a negative effect on fetal growth and that exposure to cannabis during periods of critical brain development, particularly during the fetal and adolescent periods, has the propensity to significantly adversely impact on neurodevelopmental and behavioral outcomes (Jaques et al, 2017). Such effects of marijuana use during pregnancy to fetal brain development can be heard without end and there’s wide controversy existing in the current literature, for instance, around study design and interpretation and how relevant animal studies are to humans. As for the approaches being applied by the previous studies, it ranges from pharmacological methods, organotypic slice preparations, quantitative and qualitative morphometric analysis to unbiased proteomic profiling. 
