The Israeli Palestinian conflict of imperialism and nationalism need peace and development[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25


Abstract: the Israeli Palestinian conflict has a long history of conflict, and even religious origins can be traced back to thousands of years ago, but in modern nationalism and international imperialism under the action of territorial disputes, religious disputes,  resources dispute, rise to ethnic hatred of extreme nationalism, what to be called outside of terrorism, what influence of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, destructive. Great concern of the international community in recent years, the Israeli Palestinian conflict is actively seeking political negotiations to resolve the conflict in history, made no small success, but the key issue is still unable to break through,the Palestinian Israeli peace talks still said of an aged person. This tries from international perspective the Israeli Palestinian conflict, to sort out the historical context, to explore the antecedents and consequences, hope to contribute to resolve the Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Key words: the Israeli Palestinian conflict; nationalism; imperialism; history; peace talks;

The surface reason of the Israeli Palestinian conflict is the territorial disputes, but the fundamental reason is the imperialist interference and extreme nationalism damage, the method to solve the problem of his country don't interference in Palestine, don't upgrade to the war on terror, to relax, embrace the world, give up extreme nationalism, peace and development is the trend the road of common prosperity.

The historical reasons and influence factors of the Israeli Palestinian conflict mainly,The region has experienced thousands of years of development, a large number of Arabs and local Aboriginal fusion, Palestinian areas mainly to Arabs began to form at the end of nineteenth Century, the worldwide rise of Zionism, many Jews emigrated to Palestine Ever fount region, caused the dissatisfaction of local Arabs. in 1947 the United Nations Palestine international and recommended the establishment of Arabia and the Jewish state in Palestine , the Palestinian Arabs for the establishment of the state of Israel with extreme nationalism fighting spirit, problems began intensified, as Israel's development, the problem of water resources, the issue of Jewish settlements, Jerusalem and religious problems, has been plagued by the Israeli Palestinian peace and development.

Imperialist intervention has great influence on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The mainland part of the British attempt in 1921 through the establishment of an independent Palestinian from outside Jordan to soothe the Arab countries. This eliminates all the Jews on the establishment of family trust clause. In addition, the UK also appointed Feisal's brother Abdullah as the ruler. Zionism itself is also a kind of nationalism, and when the establishment of a Jewish state of Israel, Palestine has caused extreme nationalism. In May,英语毕业论文,1939 , the white , to become an independent Palestinian state in 10 years, and put forward the migration and land of the Jews to buy certain restrictions , it is also an important reason of imperialism in the Palestinian areas of peace. In the Second World War, Britain declared war on Germany, the United Kingdom against the persecution of German Jews into Palestine, Palestine war caused confusion.  After the founding of Israel, many countries because of their own interests and recognized the legitimacy of the government of Israel, but Israel there after by aid of the neighboring countries continue to wage war.  After the USA  9.11  incident, the outside world too much that the relatively weak Palestinians to take extreme human bomb attacks such as terrorism , relative protection in Israel, even the surrounding country of Arabia, did not dare to take the initiative to support the Palestinians, extreme nationalism attacks but this only caused more Palestinians. From these events can be seen in the country, always ready with allies and international organizations such as the United Nations and to take unilateral action, the conflict in Palestine in the war of great influence.

Nationalism is the cause of the Israeli Palestinian conflict ingrained. All along, the Jewish Zionist presence, it is itself a kind of nationalism. When the Ever fount Jews immigrated to Palestine, especially the establishment of the state of Israel, but it caused another kind of nationalism, that is the Palestinian Arab nationalism. The role and influence of nationalism is huge, it can explain why Alexander the great empire of ancient Greece and Rome with nationalism across three continents to Africa and Europe, east to India, West to Europe, within the south to Egypt Africa area in its sphere of influence; it can also explain the amount of the British occupied India subcontinent, because the local people lack the spirit of nationalism; on the contrary, in China, nationalism awakening makes Sun Yat-sen and Chinese Communist Party to realize the rise of the Chinese nation is how important it is. It is because of nationalism, was caused by the Israeli Palestinian conflict, even cause many large-scale war is not a territorial dispute, but there are factors of religious nationalism complex, such as the 1929 Wailing Wall riots, 1936 "Arab general strike" national politics and the 1938 Arab uprising, from 1948 to 1949 the Palestinian war or call the Israeli war of independence, 1956 -1957  the battle of Sinai, in 1967, Israel launched on Egypt, Jordan and Syria war, Arabia in 1973 is caused by the Palestinian war, the 1982 war in Lebanon , in 2017, because at that time the Likud leader Ariel Sharon broke with the religious nationalism of the temple hill, ignited the continuation of the BA in conflict. Excessive nationalism could lead to war , the Israeli Palestinian conflict initially because of territorial disputes and the Jewish Zionist, now has developed into extreme nationalism as the main reason, from the human bomb and the extreme religious nationalism under the guidance of the low tech war visible .
