The Difficulties That Overseas Students Are Encountering[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:王教授更新时间:2017-04-25

After reform and opening up, there are an increasing number of Chinese students choosing to study abroad. Doing like this has unquestionably helped numerous Chinese students master the advanced technologies and knowledge which are impossible to be learned in China, promoted the Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and collaboration as well as contributed to the rapid development of China. However, the difficulties and setbacks that those overseas students are confronting should never be neglected. In the process of studying abroad, Chinese students are facing a variety of problems which tie on the overarching topics of language, culture, living styles and etc (Hyeyoung & Montgomery, 2017, P343). This aims to explore this sophisticated issue from diverse perspectives regarding all the problems mentioned above. 
Among all the difficulties that overseas students are encountering, language barrier stands out remarkably. China, as one of the developing countries which focus mainly on booming economy, emphasizes too much on exams rather than imparting knowledge. As it has been known to us, English which spreads the most widely all over the world is no doubt be the language that every student should master as long as he or she has the desire to have a further education abroad. However, instead of speaking, Chinese students have the tendency to be adept at writing. Under this educational system, the emergence of “Mute English” is inevitable. According to Bang, Hyeyoung, and Diane Montgomery (2017), language barrier is playing a crucial problem in the U.S (P348). In order to harmonize with the American residents perfectly and integrate into the modern American society, transcending the insurmountable seems to be of prime importance. 
When it comes to study abroad, the cultural differences are an equally huge dilemma that overseas students are facing. Having been living in a place for a couple of years, human beings are very likely to get accustomed of the cultures that their countries have. Meaning to say, when they go abroad and study, they will not be able to adapt to the local cultures and to communicate with dwellers in a certain country effectively. Confronting those culture shocks, students will have to be plunged into a deep hole of despair in all probability. Gill Scherto (2017) points out that culture shock may lead to delusion, pressure and anxiety, more often than not, students may feel uncomfortable, because the culture and the ambience that they are encountering are entirely different from the ones that they are habituated (P171). It has never been easy to forget their own cultures and start to involve into a brandy-new culture in a short period of time. Culture shocks will always exit as long as there are students who want to go abroad and study. 
Living styles vary from country to country. Studying abroad means that students have to change the living styles that they are used to. According to Gebhard, Jerry G, an outstanding mentor in an American school, illustrates that adapting to living in new physical surroundings may become a thorny issue which is very likely to make them feel anxious, confused, depressed and homesick (P20). If students fail to manage to deal with these difficulties, they will have to be degenerated. 

Annotated bibliography
"Understanding International Graduate Students' Acculturation Using Q Methodology."
In this , it discusses something about the adjustments that students from other parts of world come to the United States of America to have a further education. Those adjustments include the aspects of society, culture as well as the academics which are posting a serious threat to overseas students. In addition, it also reveals that international graduates are stressed, due to the wonderful academic and professional performances that those students want to give. I can use it to confirm my arguments like language barrier is the crucial factor in my . It will certainly make my argument become more convincing and persuasive.
"Overseas students' intercultural adaptation as intercultural learning: a
transformative framework."
This focuses on the learning experience of Chinese postgraduate students. Moreover, it inquires into the students’ adaptation to several dimensions like socio-culture. There are a wide range of reasons that the author used to elaborate his arguments. In terms of culture, there are multifarious reasons showing the factors which lead to the cultural shock in this . They are very helpful for me, because I can use them to strengthen my arguments and make it more convincing. It is very difficult to talk about the cultural differences, but the author described it in an excellent way which is easy for readers to understand its harm. 
“International Student Voices: Adapting to American Culture Inside and Outside the Classroom”
This was written by an excellent instructor as well as his students in a school. It shows a variety of authentic events that truly happened in the world. His students are also from every part of the world. In other words, it shows a variety of different events that different students may encounter when they choose to study abroad. Actually, this is fabulous, because it did not focus on personal and individual ideas. On the contrary, it focuses more on the diverse students. I could use it to express my ideas, because this shows a majority challenge that most of international students are facing, which will absolutely make my more readable and persuasive. 

Work cited
Bang, Hyeyoung, and Diane Montgomery. "Understanding International Graduate Students' Acculturation Using Q Methodology." Journal of College Student Development 54.4 (2017): 343-360.Press
Gill, Scherto. "Overseas students' intercultural adaptation as intercultural learning: a
transformative framework." Compare 37.2 (2017): 167-183.
