中国高校法语系教授教养中,教材饰演着弗成或缺的脚色。假如说国外教材的成长与外语教授教养办法的成长慎密相干,国际法语教材的成长则更多地遭到汗青身分的作用。在今朝百花齐放的法语出书市场上,由北京本国语年夜学法语专业传授马晓宏编著的法语(1-4册)遭到喜爱,成为法语系基本阶段教授教养中颇具作用力的一套教材。在本文中,除对这套教材的“根本信息”、“构造”、“内容”、“教材制造程度和质量”、“教授教养理念及办法”和“教员用书”的细心剖析以外,100逻辑学生的问卷查询拜访所获得的数据和结论也从另外一个方面证实了我们的剖析。经由过程剖析与研究,我们指出:这套法语教材的重要优势在于语法和辞汇内容方面与教授教养年夜纲慎密对应;教材所采取的以传统教授教养法为主、以新兴教授教养法为辅的教授教养办法固然在必定水平上相符中国粹生的进修习气,但在新情势下仍需赓续改良。与此同时,教材中的缺乏也不容疏忽:教材中对于白话和听力的练习不敷、文明内容的缺少等。针对这些缺乏提出了应对办法:在教授教养中可以采取调和主义,在各门课程之间树立有用接洽;在信息时期,法语毕业论文,更应多运用新兴的教授教养对象和教授教养办法。 Abstract: The French professor China parenting, teaching plays an indispensable role. If the coherent growth nicety of foreign materials growth and foreign language teaching approach, the international French textbook growth is more by the influence of historical identity. In current flourishing French book market, by Beijing Language University, Department of French teaching Ma Xiaohong edited by the French "(Book 1-4) by love, become a set of French professional basic stage of teaching in the influential materials. In this paper, except on the textbook "basic information", "structure", "content", materials manufacturing and quality "," teaching philosophy and approach of "teacher's book" attentive analysis outside, logic 100 students questionnaire inquiries visit the obtained data and conclusions are also from another confirmed our analysis. Through analysis and research, we point out: the French teaching materials is an important advantage of the grammatical and lexical content and teaching of the eve of the gang cheek by jowl corresponding; materials adopted in the traditional teaching method based, supplemented by the new teaching method of teaching way admittedly in a certain level consistent with Chinese students study habits, but under the new situation, still need to continuously improve. At the same time, the lack of teaching materials in the textbooks can not be ignored: on speaking and listening practice is not enough, the lack of cultural content. Aiming at these deficiencies to the way to deal with: in teaching can be taken to reconcile the doctrine, in between the course set up useful contact; in the information age, should multiple applications emerging teaching objects and teaching methods. 目录: REMERCIEMENTS 4-5 摘要 5 Résumé 6-9 Introduction 9-12 Chapitre 1 Définition et survol historique des manuels en F.L.E 12-24 1.1 Définition du manuel 12-13 1.2 Evolutions méthodologiques des manuels en France 13-20 1.2.1 Méthodologie traditionnelle 14 1.2.2 Méthode directe 14-15 1.2.3 Méthode audio-orale 15-17 1.2.4 Méthode audio-visuelle (S.G.A.V.) 17 1.2.5 Approche communicative 17-19 1.2.6 Perspective actionnelle 19-20 1.3 Brève histoire des manuels de fran ais en Chine 20-24 1.3.1 Avant la fondation de la République populaire de Chine 20-21 1.3.2 Période entre 1949 et 1978 21 1.3.3 Développement après 21-24 Chapitre 2 Analyse du manuel Le fran ais 24-45 2.1 Grille d’analyse 24-26 2.2 Analyse du manuel Le fran ais 26-42 2.2.1 Informations générales 26-27 2.2.2 Structure 27-29 2.2.3 Contenu 29-40 2.2.4 Qualité de fabrication du manuel 40-41 2.2.5 Méthodologie et approche 41 2.2.6 Guide pédagogique 41-42 2.3 Nouvelle édition du manuel 42-45 Chapitre 3 Perspective de l’enseignement du fran ais 45-55 3.1 Avantages 45-46 3.2 Défauts 46-47 3.2.1 Place négligée de l’expression orale et de la compréhension orale 46-47 3.2.2 Insuffisance du savoir culturel 47 3.2.3 Inconvénient de l’usage des documents authentiques 47 3.3 Recommandations et suggestions 47-55 3.3.1 Pour un nouveau manuel plus scientifique et numérique 48-49 3.3.2 Une nouvelle voie pour les enseignants : l’éclectisme 49-53 3.3.3 Motiver les apprenants et encourager l’apprentissage autodirigé 53-55 Conclusion 55-57 Bibliographie 57-60 Annexe I 60-61 Annexe II 61-62 Annexe III 62-65 Annexe IV 65-77 |